Well I'm a reader and writer. I spend weeks if not months just figuring out what I want to write and how to write it and how to make it work. I pushed myself for the best quality I can possibly produce, but I'm shy. I read constantly and enjoy seeing new ideas and concepts come to light, and i get frustrated seeing something amazing being put down because one isn't loving some section of the story.
I write as a hobby I have a life, I have school, i have expenses, I don't have the time to sit down and write 2000-3000 ch every day for free and still maintain the quality. I have no idea if I'm good or not. Ever since the new option. To publish I became elevated with the thought of sharing some fun writing peices. But then again I'm a bit protective of my literature so I had to decide what am I willing to publish.
The aspect of constructive feedback in lines with writers. Is to help mature their style, build and improve on their craft. There will be toxic people and everything I understand. But if people are willing to say your doing a good job its because your are. If people are willing to stick to your story. This is one proof that your a good writer.
I'll be publishing here soon after I amass a good bit of content to publish through a period of time.
Guess this msg is aimed towards readers and writers. Haha. If you guys are writing and receiving toxic responses introduce me to your story I'll love to read it. But I'm only one person XD I may read a lot but I cannot be everywhere at once. And everything is subjective so being negative with no sensible clarification and reasoning. For me is meaningless. You don't like the writing, because of the mistakes ok, story is not unique ok, story has too many fillers, ok. These give an idea but lack a bit more info to how to improve. Too many fillers, can mean the development of plot. I suck at spelling and not so amazing at grammar, so I recheck myself dozens of times, that doesn't mean I will write a perfect literary composition. I'm a writer not a professionally trained editor, with a degree in lit, that can meet all the criteria of a perfect sentence.
And lastly it's not unique. Fine but what is unique. Everything has some influential aspect tied to it. If my literature if influenced by something so be it the question I want to know is did you like it. Was it interesting. Did you hate it what didn't you like about it. Help me help you. I can keep going. But I'll end it here.
Soon to be publish on webnovel.
Me uwu