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  • Addressing Your Complaints (Coins, Fast Passes, etc.)

Hope to read more but having problem with the new App. Don't know where my coins after hours of reading the free chapter,,, no coin to unlock chapter???? where it goes? To enjoy Webnovel I keep on reading again and again just the free ones I think I have to wait a decade to finish just one novel that needs to unlock, Sorry no extra money to purchase for coin Just paying for the daily internet just to keep on reading is already a problem He he he sorry sorry I hope i'm still alive to finish one of my favorite novels. H h h h

    Hope to read more but having problem with the new App. Don't know where my coins after hours of reading the free chapter,,, no coin to unlock chapter???? where it goes? To enjoy Webnovel I keep on reading again and again just the free ones I think I have to wait a decade to finish just one novel that needs to unlock, Sorry no extra money to purchase for coin Just paying for the daily internet just to keep on reading is already a problem He he he sorry sorry I hope i'm still alive to finish one of my favorite novels. H h h h

      Why badge and level system not improved?
      If badge unlocked for novel not limited by date, it will moving heart of collector to unlock the chapter to get better badge.

      After novel ended translated it dies and publisher cant help author how to make this novel keep alive.

      1st stage = 10 chapter,
      2nd stage = 50 ch,
      3rd stage = 100 ch,
      4th stage = 500 ch,
      5th stage = 1000ch,
      6th stage = 2000ch,
      7th stage = unlock all chapter.

      And if user unlock all chapter he get xxxx exp

        Hm....do you know about the Amazon gift card? It's mention it o.o
        It's also change to read 2 minute to get the points


        yaoyueyi The problem isn't with Fast Passes, it is with the "farming" system. It is useless with the required number of coins and limiting the stock of purchasable passes. It does not matter how many "free" novels you can ise to farm when the majority are painful to read rather than enjoyable. Add that to high cost and limited stock and it isn't a feature but a punishment.

        And yes, coins are over priced. When buying by the chapter, a completed book should not be 2x-3x the market price one would pay to actually buy the physical copy of the book.


          LoHP is not yet fully translated, but it already has over 2k chaps.

          From my experience, LoHP chaps are about 2k words long (more or less).

          2k x 2k = 4kk.

          Normal novel has 80k-150k, but 100k on average.

          Why reading 40 times worth of story shouldn't be priced higher?

          (I know, comparing WebNovels and normal novels is wrong, but just like Yuei-San said, people needs to put this into the right perspective.)

            I hate the voucher system. I use to be able to earn spirit coins by reading now i get punts that i can't use because the number of free passes is already 0! Plus you get fewer coins when you pay cash now!
            Screw this. Im just going to read less from here.

              JinRoe also the are no real benefits to being a member so why did i bother paying for that?!? If nothing changes by next week, I'm canceling!

              Maekellen Version 4.3 of the app makes point gain much easier by activating it on all novels. Reading anything gets you about 2 points per 2 minutes of reading and an additional 50 points every 30 minutes without ads. Novels with farming activated should increase the point gain faster by giving additional points per ad (but I haven't tried this). If you have nothing to do, you can leave your phone idle for about 10 minutes at a clip and gain points from "reading" while you do something else.

                Wait, wait, wait, am I the only one that isn't getting the weekly bonus fast pass today?!?!?
                It keeps crashing my app...

                  yaoyueyi hi, regarding point three with the coins,

                  "The rate of farming if you're not reading, and just farming to get points is around 2000 points an hour (individuals have reported 1500-2000+ points). Every 4-10 pages, you get 2 points. If you're actually reading, the rate will be slower, but this is a quick way of getting points."

                  What is actually the point of farming points if you're not reading? As in, Why is farming without reading so rewarding?

                  Not that I'm complaining about it, I'm just curious as to why this is. There has to be se sort of benefit for this possibility, that in some ways can be considered an exploit to exist...

                    Hatake_Shirou people with no money to buy coins now have a way to buy fast passes or discount vouchers for reading more. If you have any way to make more than a dollar an hour during your down time, farming points without reading probably isn't for you. Although the 3/7 day free unlimited passes may be worth several times more per hour if you can actually consume that much reading material.

                      Hatake_Shirou some people are very bored, so they decide to do this. I get these stats from people who have done it for fun, haha.

                        Why can't I get my weekly gift? Every time I select it an error comes up and ask me to restart WN

                        Why can't I get my weekly gift? Every time I select it an error comes up and ask me to restart WN

                        rolas Hey buddy... you uh... you blow in from stupid town?

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