littleArz Oh, so you're it's my fault that I read it free from another website that I subscribe to?????? I paid more even of what I have due in this web novel site okay? If I read some of your novels free of charge from other sites just because I subscribed to that site....?
Well, yeah, it is your fault. If you use something that is given to you for free by someone else, knowing that the thing is stolen, then you are at fault because you are responsible for your own actions. Those pirate sites take Webnovel's contents and publish them on their website without permission. As a user of those sites, you're depriving not only WN as a publisher but also authors and translators of income and royalties, benefits that are rightfully theirs. In some jurisdictions, you'd even be counted as liable and could be hit by a civil lawsuit.
And had you bothered to read the fine prints thoroughly before you purchased the service, you would have known that the Privilege service doesn't work in the way you thought it did. It is Webnovel's duty as the service provider to provide you with the information about their service, but it is also your duty as the customer to read and inform yourself about it before you use the said service.
Webnovel has provided the information about how their Privilege service works on their fine prints, but you didn't even bother to read them before you purchased the service. So this, too, was your own fault. So stop the victim mentality and start taking responsibility for your own actions. You lost some money, but it was nobody's fault but your own. Lesson for next time: Always read the fine prints.
And no, I'm not a WN's rep. I'm a reader, just like you, and what I wrote might seem harsh, but it is what it is, I'm just pointing out the obvious.