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  • Addressing Your Complaints (Coins, Fast Passes, etc.)

Darth_Xiane i'm a bit confused i think you misunderstood my point haha.
my point this entire time was that people were saying that they should receive wns for free b/c the quality is so terrible. everyone has different standards of reading, some are grammar nazis, others only care about the story. and depending on your tastes, you should be able to pick and choose which stories you want to pay for b/c of the free chapters provided. and if you are only paying for grammar/quality (as some of these people have said), then there are definitely plenty of novels with better quality that you can pay for on this platform (hence my words of don't pay for it and find better novels).

I don't think your food example works in this scenario. a better example would be someone wanting to try out a local food, reading reviews for it online, and seeing beforehand that it's low quality. then they would avoid paying for or eating it in the first place... or the restaurant provided some free samples (cough my fav yogurt places), and when you tasted it, you found that you didn't like certain flavors so you didn't buy it... kind of like how before you read a webnovel, you have reviews to read to see how the translation quality is at even in locked chapters, and you have free samples (free chapters) to read to see how it is.

anyways I'm a bit confused at what you're saying. I can kind of see our point that reading for plot/characters is important too, but I think you've read that one post out there that was like "I'm going to go read at pirate sites b/c wn's quality is trash so I'm not going to pay any money for it". do you agree with that person? can't remember but I think I remember seeing your post on that thread. b/c if so, I really have no words. I just think that it's kind of dumb for people to expect that the only thing they're paying for is grammar quality, not content? and that if a story has bad grammar, then they are entitled to think that they can get said story for free?

i'm confusing myself now lol

    KoraL my bad then. rewording it when i come back home to reflect a more accurate comparison. was writing this post at midnight so my brain was half dead, sorry. :pensive:

      Toje this is the answer they wrote back tome
      we temporarily cancelled the exemption and restriction after January 5th. Please understand. Thank you for your support.
      understand what ??????
      And i don't think it's temporarily

      Thank you for constantly sending them emails and updating us. Let us see after the update then...

      I just want to say my thoughts about the new updates of webnovel, i dont love how the new update works, from what i think its better than the previous update since i can purchase the chapters/stories by coins/ spirit stones and get them unlocked WITHOUT TIME LIMIT which is more better than fast pass (please dont judge me this is what my thoughts are) since it has an EXPIRATION which really is eeehhh... and for a person like me i like to stack my stories for a month and with the fast pass, its not helping at all. And here i was expecting for a membership (i dont know whats the name for it) for it but disappoints but understandle. I JUST WANT TO SHARE MY THOUGHTS ABOUT THE NEW UPDATES PLEASE DONT TAKE IT FOR CRITICISM OR SUCH. THANK YOU

        PinkKookieBunny so funny, did you read the conversation from the beginning? from whom he/she reply? what question for that reply/answer? does it related to the membership at all? don't panic as panic always make people misread

        yaoyueyi Well, let me add my personal opinion here.

        With everyone complaining about the reality of the world that nothing is free, I think that this whole update (that didn't change much in terms of the amount you can read) is directed in a super-hidden way, to improve the situation of the pirate sites. Just look at this:

        People will complain and leave for pirate sites.
        Pirate sites will get the spike in income
        Suying the pirates will turn out to be either profitable or at least allow WN to break even at the cost of the process
        Someone will go to jail with few millions $ of debt (basically, even if just a single copyright infringement costs 50k$, multiply it by every single book they stole)
        Other people will have to think twice before risking life in prison for stealing.
        Piracy dying out
        Free readers will have to either go back to reading at paid sites or stop reading altogether.

        PS: but thats just my silly opinion :D

          Finally! An explanation posted! After how many weeks! rolleyes at WN

          Thanks for the detailed explanation!

          yaoyueyi the shop keeper ( stealer or pirate) who should feel ashamed. not the customers. our only concern is where to find the best service with the lowest price and good quality. should we work with the pirate and get his services for free? or should we work with the good people and that will at least cost us 10$ a day and 300$ a month( because we are dedicated as you put it ) at this point I really started to wonder who is the "real" pirate is? is that the "bad" people who provide us with our Addiction is the pirate or is it the "good" people who cost us money to provide the same services as the bad guy?
          please note: that I started the argument and wouldn't back off easily, also sorry for crossing the bottom line but I couldn't hold back. and thank you for reading my reply 🌝.

            yaoyueyi thanks for this! For awhile I tried to explain, respond, to a few fellow readers whose questions and complaints about the new system weren’t getting any response from the community.

            But I gave up. There were just too many of the same topic, rant, vent, over and over again. You did a great job on this FAQ. πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘

              The_Good_Devil Mate, you don't need to excuse for starting an argument. I'm always there to deliver some factional thrashing.

              You said its the shopkeeper fault, be it the legal one for allowing the crime to happen or the thief for selling the stolen product. You are free to decide!
              But I guess you forgot that recieving stole goods is a crime according to any serious lawmaking institution.
              Article 22 of the Theft Act for the UK
              Here you go the entire article for the problem.

              If you were to buy the phone from the thief show while knowing that they stole it, you can get jailed for that.

                yaoyueyi i want to know why webnovel has not given any rebate for the privilege purchased in December

                  yaoyueyi i want to know why webnovel has not given any rebate for the privilege purchased in December

                    "then the goods are returned to the owner and the individual is not prosecuted. However, there are often exceptions, because of the difficulty of proving or disproving an individual's knowledge that the goods were stolen."
                    web novel are not "good", they are services; and also you can't give it back to owner(author).
                    ok, ok. let go with your sentence: "But I guess you forgot that recieving stole goods is a crime according to any serious lawmaking institution." does that mean we have a millions of criminals and no lawmaking institutions know about it?
                    Anyway, I have reached one conclusion. this topic need a court and punch of lawyers to determine who is right and wrong πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚. and of course, have a great evening good mister.

                      yaoyueyi yaoyueyi Your response to complaints about the quality of WN's translations wasn't, "we'll try to ensure better quality going forward", but "suck it up, the quality sucks and we dgaf. if you don't like it, leave." Decoupling the idea of the cost of a good from the quality of that good --- that's an, uh, interesting approach to business. Some might call it being wrong and strong, but what do they know? WN does business Jianghu-style.

                        Why is is it that when I claim the reading reward,my account isn't top up?

                          LaoTze True. We buy from them, at least make some effort that the goods/product (in our case, chapters) are well suited to our purchase. Hire a proofreader if possible.
                          The chapters here are way more expensive than some NYT bestselling author, and their books in Amazon worth $0.99 and free if you sign up to Kindle Unlimited.
                          Yours (WN) is expensive, if im not totally hooked to the stories (even neglect some wrong grammar and etc 😭) i already leave long time ago.
                          Now, it just push me to do this. Kudos!
                          P.S: hire a new Marketing Personnel and conduct a survey first, study the market and make balance decisions.

                            I think your pass to coin value is wrong, before i cound read 4 chapters 6-10 coins a day now its 3

                            5-10 coins for login (more on weekend)
                            5 for double login add
                            5 for voting ps
                            5 for voting energie stones
                            5 for add
                            =25-30 day
                            And another few for the x min reading
                            Thas more then 8 coins per pass

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