Lol, your arguments are getting out of control. First of all, you claimed that emojis aren’t necessary. Why does the problem “need” to be fixed? Second, I’m stating that if you don’t have rosemary you can substitute it with Marjoram (or any other spice you like). My argument was never that emojis should be banned. I’m simply saying that if you can’t use them, you have other options. In my opinion, the alternative options you have are better.
Also, your spice analogy is ridiculous. Anyone who believes that all recipes with rosemary should be deleted is crazy. I also think that anyone who dislikes rosemary is crazy. However, there are just opinions because I like rosemary. You are welcome to think that they should delete all recipes with rosemary. Again, your example doesn’t like up well with my argument anyway... I just like this spice.
Okay, so it applies to every noveL made after X date. You still aren’t being targeted. It’s a general program that runs. If you don’t want to flag it, avoid characters known to trigger it. We can agree that a post that describes what symbols are allowed vs not allowed would be helpful. However, would you follow it if there was one? Or would you just add that to the list of things that you hate about Webnovel?
Wait, I said emojis were bad grammar? Don’t remember that... Actually, I’m not sure that grammar applies to pictures (I’m considering emojis little pictures here). If you want to make me out as a villain, just point out the fact that I stated that every novel on this website has bad grammar. Obviously, there are some that don’t, but most of them that I have seen do. You made this jump not me.
Again, for the third time, I was just pointing out something that I personally dislike about the app. I sort of want to make a thread claiming that I can’t continue to write unless a grammar standard is added for released chapters. Sure, this would delay releases until someone could spot check them, or worse, run every story through an automated grammar checker. It would make me happy though! Muhahahaha
I agree with you here. They shouldn’t do whatever they want, but they can. I’m just saying that if you complained, and they didn’t listen, couldn’t you find a site that will? There are so many... why get angry about this? I only am here because I can write crappy, half-baked ideas On my phone for fun.
Lastly, I haven’t advocated for you to lose anything. You can complain, but it might not get you anywhere. My suggestion is to say the same thing in a slightly different way. No lose of meaning or quality would happen. Actually, your preferences are generating all of this (not mine, even though mine are different). That isn’t even bad, I’m just not sure it warrants a “problem that needs to be fixed”.
Do what you want, and if they won’t change the website for you (which it sounds like they won’t), take your story elsewhere...
I’m sure you won’t like something I said. In lieu of another response, I’ll cover some basics.
- I’m not sexist (someone made this argument previously?)
- I’m not trying to limit what you are writing, but sounds like emojis have consequences you don’t like on Webnovel.
- asking a big company to change their preset programs for free might Not work. Contracted authors make them money, so the company will listen to them more. That may not be right or good, but it is how things appear to be working here. In fact, you might find a lot of companies to operate this way.