Think you're aiming your comment at the wrong person there Piokilek.
Why webnovel
It's hilarious how most of the readers complaining aren't the readers supporting the work/author but those just reading for free.
I'm sure most authors can attest to how rarely their top fans leave comments saying literally anything, I suppose paying readers have less time to comment because they understand how this relationship between them and webnovel works and accept that relationship without stress and unlock the next chapter instead of wailing for free merchandise and threatening to support pirates, much unlike their free reading counterparts who will do so, even though they aren't entitled to anything they're demanding.
At the end of the day, it's paying readers that got webnovel to improve, it's paying readers that brought more beautifully written novels and genius authors. It's paying readers who have a say so, because this is a business for this platform and the source of livelihood for many of the authors writing here.
What you should do as a butthurt entitled free reader is acknowledge that you do not have the finance to support the author and appreciate the fact that Webnovel still allows fastpass, with said fastpass you should unlock a chapter and be grateful to read it for free, you should leave a positive comment rather than declaim high prices. You should support the author with your words of gratitude.
Thank you.
People who pay will pay. People who don't, don't complain.
Darth_Xiane Sorry, but if someone puts 3/4 of his chapter as a filler, then I don't think he/she will have any readers to begin with, free or paid.
True enough :)
Darth_Xiane you wouldn't say the same if you saw the contract they offer. They take more than 50% of the revenue while doing practically nothing and at the same time locking any chance for the authors to earn something without going through them. They demand you give them all rights to your work while offering nothing for them as well.
Make no mistake, they only care about maximizing their profits, the authors don't matter.
Tomoyuki people are willing to pay for content, sure, but there is a limit to how much bullshit they can take. If WN cared about the authors then they would've gave them ways to receive donations directly like royal road, instead they limit any chance if it happening by preventing links and even censoring words like Patreon. If you want to support the author then they demand a piece of the pie and you can rest assured they will take the biggest share.
Google pays 85$ per hour. My last paycheck was $8500 operating a hundred hours per week online. My younger brother's friend has been averaging 12k for months currently and he's employed for twenty-two hours per week. I can’t believe however simple it had been once I attempted it out. This is often what I do to check further details by opening the link and clicking on (HOME TECH OR MEDIA.) Click Here For More Information...........
- Edited
Whycanti Oh, if you say the content is too expensive, I understand. As for them taking their share, well, they are hosting my story on their platform, they handle the advertising and exposure, they do all the media promotions, etc., so I honestly don't mind giving them a share.
It's not the money that bothers me. I don't care about making money or donations or Patreon (I don't have Patreon anyway, so it doesn't matter to me). It's attitudes like
TheCatterHatter Letting you know webnovel don't get to greedy that will make people plagiarize the books here or go to another sit :/
where readers threaten to plagiarize my books and pirate my stories because they don't get more free stuff while unironically accusing the website of being greedy (have they looked in the mirror?) that pisses me off. You want to use fast passes for my work? Okay. But if you threaten me with, "if you don't give me more ways to read your story for free, I'll pirate and plagiarize your work!" and call others greedy, then obviously I'm not fine with that.
Also, you guys keep talking about how Webnovel doesn't care about the authors. What about the readers? The ones who threaten to plagiarize and pirate authors' works? Are you saying they care more about the authors than Webnovel? Seriously?
Tomoyuki Most problematic thing on this site is lack of real administration. You cannot about stupid things. Delete comments? Delete reviews? Oh, really? It's possible to post another ones and another ones. No limit for reviews or comments.
It's fucking pain in the ass. If site contracting authors doesn't give shit about their own property. What can you do? Sue sites like "Boxnovel", or other simillar ones. Good luck with that. It's like hydra...
I don't pay for chapters but I don't complain about freaking site stopping giveaways. I mostly complain about quality of service falling with every day. It's painful to watch. They started with many great novels... Now. It's system this system that. Pet show or misunderstanding comedy...
It seems that readers aren't generating enough revenue so they use other ways to survive.
Minimalizing costs, selling releases to their authors or stopping giving away free stuff.
They aren't first doing this... If you want free stuff giveaway your personal stuff to someone... If you like charity then do it yourself. Companies needs to generate profit...
daremetochoosemyna Now. It's system this system that. Pet show or misunderstanding comedy...
Unfortunately for you, that's what most people like. That's what the website is known for in the first place, it's their mascot genre. People love system stories, they sell. So the website promotes more system stories to make more money.
Also, as I pointed out, authors have the power to delete comments and reviews. But translators don't bother with it because it's not their story, so they don't even read the comments and reviews (like, why would they?).