I know many people here are excited about the WSA2021 and other contests that are happening, but I implore you not to undermine your writing by throwing in unnecessary things that will get a lot of eyes, but only hamper your in the long run.

Prime example is to make another overly graphic and over the top s*x scenes. Yes they get reads, but often it is tiresome and most of it has been done before.

S*x is something that can be done tastefully and tactfully in a novel. Having people jump into it quickly can undermine your character. This isn't always the case as it depends on context,. Good luck everyone give me your thoughts.

    Nullinvoid Mate, let people write whatever they want. Horney teens will enjoy the views and cry over subs (paid unlocks), good smut writers will enjoy slow growth and gratitude from the readers improving their nightlife through reading.

      I've been reading many books in the fantasy genre to scope out my competition, and I haven't found anything like this. However, I agree with you that you shouldn't write to get views as your work gets diminished.

      If someone's really gung-ho on doing something like this, create a fanfic of your own writing. That, actually, might get you more views than putting in the work for erotic scenes in your book anyway.

      1. I was giving an example. Smut is genre and ppl will search that out intentionally. However their are quite a few that have great stories that are undermined by making the characters "fall in love and shack up" in two seconds flat.
      2. When did I say people couldn't write what they want?

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