Alright, let's do some numbers again to play with the logic.
Cost of the SS is derived from buying ss at the current rates with the current bonus, find out which is the cheapest option yourself (... the option might surprise most.)
Let's talk about the value/month. I've done up the table below to show what the average cost is/month based on what is shown on the screen. Note that some of these estimates are higher than normal (Trial Marriage Husband is 2/day rather than 16 or 2.3 chapters a day for example) so this is actually in favor of making QI look as bad as possible.
The values look absolutely horrendous correct? Until you realize that I have a little something extra at the bottom. The free SS that makes everything significantly more palatable.
Effectively it ensures that unless you are consistently unlucky over a whole month, you should be able to afford to read basically any one premium novel completely for free.
Does any patreon afford this same level of "helpfulness"?
More importantly, Patreon in general signifies the idea of "reading ahead". Remember that QI has reduced the number of "free" chapters, but NOT the absolute release rate, which means that I can do some very silly things with the numbers that are left over.
For example, the distance between Immortal Mortal's last free chapter (760) to the current premium chapter is (955) is nearly 200 chapters. I don't have access to IM's rate, but let's assume that it's a pretty normal rate of say $5 for 1 extra chapter and the highest one is say... $100 for 40 chapters (which I think is a pretty big discount in it's own way....), if you're keeping up to date to the current stuff, effectively, you're reading ahead by a total of about 5 months in advance by this going rate and the distance between free and premium will grow until the novel ends.
Is there a way to assign value to this "even further ahead" chapters?
... not my place to say. I was just curious and wanted to play with some numbers.
tldr; at absolute minimum, Qidian allows you to read one Premium novel entirely for free and be up to date on that. Please inform me where Patreon allows that to happen