• Diss
  • Webnovel is a money grabbing piece of shit 🤔

AnnoyingADs "I remember when Webnovel still went by the name Qidian International that they promised no pay walls etc. With the gradual introduction of adwalls, then premium, then privilege most goodwill was gradually eroded into nothing. I used to read a few novels that had been poached from other sites but then they more or less all got dropped and while at the time I wasn't too happy in hindsight I think it's not too bad as it's meant I can completely leave the Webnovel ecosystem without any regrets."
- I remember this too. 😢
On the plus side, some other translation groups have picked up dropped stories, so I can read them on their sites. And it helped me find other, better sites; so there is a silver lining.

Dwarkin "Yeah, I remember what happened at NU forum and Reddit at that time, and CKTalon's words:
"In the event, Qidian sets up a paywall, they will be betraying me as well, and make me seem like a fool here. When that happens, I'll definitely have to apologize for me being stupid and 'signing a contract with the devil'.""
- I also remember this too. 😢 No apology as far as I am aware though.

TL:DR - unkept promises and kidnapping then dropping translations that I was reading.
Authors only getting 20 to 30% of the money that people send to them also doesn't quite sound very fair, though if we are being fair (if the authors did their due diligence) they should know that before signing up.

Though on the positive side, somewhat surprised that this thread wasn't locked. Also there are actually moderators now. A year ago there were technically moderators, but it was the wild wild west and you would see people spam multiple instances of the same forum posts and advert threads.

    The funny thing about companies that claim they won't paywall... they never stay in business very long. That's the funny thing about employing translators and hosting server space it tends to cost money which, unless its changed since the start of time, doesn't spontaneously poof into existance when its required....

      mng I did qualify it a few posts later that it was for the year 2017, not beyond.

      • Mute replied to this.

        Their prices are insane.
        If I want to read a finished novel which is say 1000 chapters, you'll have to buy coins worth what , $150? For one book?????
        LNs on Kindle are what $7 and hardcovers $14, regular hardcover books are what $20 at most?
        Sure you could get membership and read a few chapters every month, which is ridiculous.
        If I like a book, I want to read it now, not a few chapters a month.

        Their business model is probably based on a few "whales" who shell out thousands of dollars for books that they like, that's the only logical explanation I can think of.

          bruh the certain translations is something else. Legit probably using Deepl to translate.
          I couldn't care less about ads if the books are actually good, but all the good novels are gone. I'm not paying to read assorted trash, sorry.

          Also, f those 'low key MC but later turns into not-lowkey harem' harems. I hope the author gets arthritis.


            Funny thing about wuxiaworld, after a few years they implemented a karma and subscription service on all their finished books. Want to reread issth or upgrade specialist or whatever, better be ready to open your wallet.

            Now that being said their vip system is much akin to webnovels original subscription service so who knows what the future holds for ww.

            As for the rest I can't say, I've not used them, but I know for a fact wuxiaworld has its own paywall.

            notimegamer What kind of books have 1,000 chapters? The light novels on Kindle you're talking about - how many volumes per series do they have? 12? More? Each volume is about 10-20 chapters, and these are series who used to be web novels. For example, Mahouka no Koukou Rettousei, hundreds of chapters, divided into 20 or so volumes.

            You are paying $150 for about what, 50 volumes? Stop the false equivalence.

            Now, the problem is that these webnovels are often not of good quality, there are mistakes and typos, they are not edited, so you should be paying less for them, and they are expensive for what you get. But the whole "I'm paying $150 for a whole book that is 1,000 chapters long!" is just false equivalence and detracts from the real issue. Nobody is going to take you seriously, and thanks to people making up false problems, the real problems don't get addressed.

              Tomoyuki But the whole "I'm paying $150 for a whole book that is 1,000 chapters long!" is just false equivalence and detracts from the real issue. Nobody is going to take you seriously, and thanks to people making up false problems, the real problems don't get addressed.

              Sorry, Tomoyuki, but this is a real problem. WebNovel, for completed novels, is tremendously more expensive than it should be. My standard example is I Shall Seal the Heavens. The 1611 chapters cost about $288 if you read it on WebNovel. It cost $45 for the 9 volumes averaging 1200 pages each on Amazon. (I've given half a dozen other examples in previous messages. WebNovel is 4 to 6 times the per word cost of Amazon webnovels).

              This is getting to be a major problem for me. I've been averaging $30/month on WebNovel for some time and I've finished some 23 translated webnovels here. But most were books either started elsewhere or started here when most of the chapters could be read for free. I'm running out of such books. Out of the 6 books I was paying for daily translations of: 1 finished, 1 was dropped by author, and 2 are finishing up in a week or so. I need to find good replacements and I'm finding it very difficult here. I'm not willing to pay WebNovel's exorbitant bulk prices for 500-1000 chapters to get caught up to the current translation point. But WebNovel gives me no way to read those books here.

                CrispyCritter Exactly, this is the problem I'm talking about! Not "one book costs $288" but how 9 volumes cost only $45 as opposed to $288. That's the comparison you should be making, i.e. "9 volumes cost $45 instead of $288 if you buy them in print" and not "1 volume costs $288."

                Imagine if you just say "1 book of 1,611 chapters cost me $288! It's so expensive!" Nobody is going to take you seriously. But f you point out that you can buy 9 volumes worth of books in print for $45, yet you've to pay $288 for the same amount of content online - that's the real issue. That's like $32 per volume, which is almost twice the price of a regular paperback. That's what I meant - make true equivalence comparisons, not false ones. False equivalence will only cause people to overlook your problem and not take you seriously.

                  Tomoyuki That clears up what you're saying more, but then it seems like your're quibbling over semantics and not objecting to the very real problem that is being brought up.

                  Would you really claim it's not a "real problem" of WebNovel if someone says "The novel costs $288 on WebNovel but only $45 on Amazon"? (Using "novel" instead of "book" or "volume").

                    CrispyCritter I would say it's series, because unless you have the context, nobody is going to take you seriously when you count 1,611 chapters as a single novel.

                    I mean, you could say it's just semantics, but how would I know what the context is? The guy literally complained about purchasing a thousand chapters and he compared it to a single volume, especially since he mentoned kindle and Amazon books that only cost $7 (and obviously he's referring to single volumes from a series). Are you telling me that's semantics? Like I said, the former webnovel, Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei has a few hundred chapters that are spread out over 20-30 volumes. Why was he comparing 1,000 chapters of a finished series to a single $7 volume of a kindle ebook? If he actually added it up and compared it to the 20-30 volumes of Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei instead, you'll see that the price is actually reasonable. 20 volumes cost $140. So yeah, paying $150 does seem fair.

                    But that detracts from the real issue here, because you're paying $150 for unedited and low quality work off the Internet, as opposed to the professionally edited Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei that has wonderful illustrations. The point, though, is that, nobody will take you seriously when you cry about spending $150 for 1,000 chapters while comparing it to a single $7 volume that has 10-20 chapters. Aren't you going to roll your eyes and say, yeah, based on quantity of chapters, that price is obviously a given? But they will take you more seriously when you actually compare series to series, not a series to a single volume.

                      It's Yes & No
                      If yes then it's up to you if your waste money reading a novel that you don't like,making the company earn money from you fellow brother or just read through a bad translation but always complain in the comment section even though you keep reading it over & over again
                      and if no then you're a patience man how doesn't want to waste money every 4 chapters for $1 and read pirated novels in other websites (that's me:) as I'm cheap stake well just wait for the chapters to fill up and read it in other websites)

                      Since they are putting adds on fanfictions, will they pay royalties to the original content creators? How about the fanfiction writers?

                        Web Novel Novel Ask