Webnovel is a money grabbing piece of shit 🤔
I'm so disappointed that we have to keep buying coins to read the books. It gives you a choice to download free chapters but it seems that's a waste of time. It costs a lot to continue reading a whole book. Why cant it just be a few chapters?
Yes heaven forbid you buy a luxury good from a luxury service. Who knew that exchanging money for products/services was still a reasonable idea in this age!
You know what you should do?
For free reading there's this magical location in most cities... it's called a library. For likely a small one time fee you too can read freely if you lack the money to indulge this medium!
Honestly, they should give discounts for bundles, especially for older stories or already completed webnovel series.
Tomoyuki they already do for completed novels now. 50 coins for 7 days of free reading
Grand_Void_Daoist Oh, nice! That's awesome, I didn't know about that.
Lol Arthritis again
Don't give up. There's still some good original novels. I was a reader for like 3 years before becoming an author, so I know what you mean.
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Bahahahaha, premium books that is so riddled with grammar errors that reader's are better off reading an MTL. Simple mistakes with pronouns that makes reading it utterly mind-numbing. Yet people are premium buying it, which just blows my mind away. Oh well, if other people can believe that taking a vaccine can make their blood magnetic, I guess paying for substandard work is expected?
Then comes the ads even for fanfiction, that takes a huge pair of cojones to do. That would mean those fanfiction writers would have to start paying royalties to the original authors since the platform they used is profiting from it. DAMN!!! Maybe tencent knows they have enough clout to be overlooked.
Anyways, as I've said before, for people that have no patience whatsoever this site is a money sink with no end. For the many others it's fine. If you really want to support an author, with how online things are nowadays, wouldn't it be easier to directly support them? Also, if you want to stop webnovel from doing corporate stuff like this, why don't you people gather and start a free for all reading site? Buy royalties and post it in your own app or site. We readers will genuflect to your downright righteousness, I for one will.
PS: WTH happened with the webnovel app? Before, it's such a treat to read in the app because of its low battery consumption. Nowadays it drains like I'm playing an open world RPG game.
Grand_Void_Daoist Beats the writers swappimg positive reviews. Let's be honest here, WN really has nothing left to praise (from a customer standpoint).
Darth_Xiane Valid point except we are being charged luxury prices for substandard goods and non-existent services.
CrispyCritter Not to mention that that 288 dollars you spent probably only what I wanna say maybe 50-60 of it went to the author.
CrispyCritter But you seem to be proposing that if WebNovel pays for professional line-editing, that all of its webnovels will suddenly be equal in quality to this cream of the cream, and thus be worth the prices WebNovel is charging? I think you will agree that's nonsense. But I have no other way to interpret your statements.
Webnovels editors have 1600 webnovels they have to manage per person, and more coming in every day. Some of their newly hired authors are nine year olds that had to get their moms and dads to sign away their human rights (idiot parents honestly) and they can't even be paid a decent wage by webnovel. I doubt webnovel is going to let go of any of the money they are hoarding for themselves. They steal from the authors. They overwork and don't even treat their authors and their editors as human beings. I wouldn't hold your breath on the professional line editor thing. XD lol.
OtherworldlyEggy they put them even on books that aren't contracted. They have no shame.
Darth_Xiane they're doing text only content with low quality covers. That doesn't take much space. And with how much they charge for that content paying for server space isn't even near being a problem. Oh, and let's not forget they cut the hosting costs from what little they pay their writers.
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KitKatxKK Less than that. Around 40% I think. But it isnt webnovel taking all of it. Around 30% goes to google/apple.