
Yo. What trope is this? I WANT TO READ IT 🔥

    The trope i hate the most is DragonBall syndrome...

    X is recognized as the strongest entity in the land which everyone recognizes.

    Until you leave it.

    Then Y is the strongest on the planet which every also recognizes.

    Until you leave it.

    Z is the strongest in the solar system, which everybody knows, its common knowledge that is never before mentioned.

    The question is... if everyone knew about Y and Z how the fark was X ever considered the strongest? And NOBODY brings Y and Z up in X's region because... reasons. But everybody knew about them.


      This is called power creep. Once goku beats someone, they have to invent a more powerful villain or the story ends. It happens a lot. The plot looks like this:

      • MC is weak or average

      • Villain needs to be stopped

      • MC randomly gets new power or does a small “training arc”

      • MC beats down villain in like 30 seconds

      • MC is strongest in universe

      • New villain shows up and beats MC

      • MC randomly gets stronger or trains for about 5 more minutes

      • repeat forever

      Coming across a comment on Disqus, I just remembered another trope I really, really hate.

      Aphrodisiacs. Or situations where the protagonist and a beautiful woman are forced to do dual cultivation (sex) in order to survive. It can be excessive qi and their meridians are about to expode, or some stupid gu, or cure for some poison, or to give the qi to an injured party to repair his/her meridians, but come on. Often it's just used as an excuse to justify the male protagonist getting laid with a beautiful heroine and adding her to his harem. Worse, he often ends up raping her (because aphrodisiac) and she somehow falls in love with him because...why, exactly? Because he declares that he will take responsibility or he randomly becomes strong later? So being strong justifies rape? What the f?

        Mai0414 THIS. I absolutely hate this abusive ML trope. Someone throw these men in prison pleeeeease 🙄

        Mai0414 THIS. I absolutely hate this abusive ML trope. Someone throw these men in prison pleeeeease

        That's what he said. He isn't against women, or sisters for that matter. He's simply disgusted by the fact that they add women to the story simply because they're women.

          I'm tired of seeing a trope where the MC suffered from family problems, found out her fiance was cheating on her, then got pregnant of had a one night stand with some unknown man who happened to become a CEO, then got abusive and yet they still manage to keep the relationship despite how abusive and toxic it is.

            Tomoyuki Can be either. And then despite everything the male lead has done, she never chooses the second lead who really loved her truly. aish

              jEONGjEONG I have good news for you. Have you heard of A Hidden Love Marriage? I think the Chinese title is Yin Hun Zhi Ai: Zong Cai Qing Li Wo Yuan Dian. Lin Bu Hui, the female lead, leaves the abusive first male lead and chooses the second male lead who loves her instead, causing the first male lead to get jealous and almost go mad or something. It was hilarious and satisfying to see Xia Yu Sheng regret throwing her away, and seeing her happy with the second male lead, Mu Yun Ge, who she marries after divorcing the first male lead.

              There was a lot of drama, but long story short, Lin Bu Hui's son died because Xia Yu Sheng refused to help her with medical bills and whatnot (and he was the biological father too), so she divorces him, leaves and marries Mu Yun Ge after even more drama. Xia Yu Sheng later learns the truth and regrets throwing her away, and tries to approach her to reconcile, but she refuses and tells him that she never wants to see him again. So it ends with her happily married to Mu Yun Ge and having children with the second male lead.

                Tomoyuki Nice! A Female lead deserves a good and healthy relationship. It's very seldom to find a story in which the female lead chooses the second lead. Very nice! I'll try reading that story although I always see that in manhwa recommendations and web novel hehe

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