Rarajasmin_jazz i read Synced. And felt that the author was very poetic at first. However, there was something that i told the author as well.
Using the poetic style throughout a chapter will make the narrative gradually less attractive.

The narrative style you have is an amazing weapon in your arsenal. But you cannot show this amazing and effective weapon to your reader too often. if you do so, readers will get accustomed to this style and then will expect something better. However, if you do not deliver what they expect, you may lose your readers fast.
The first 3 chapters will definitely bring in readers. But then come back to the colloquial English...not the heavy flowery type. Use that style only when you are describing intense emotion...
Frankly, I envy you. What I can't and perhaps will never be able to do, you do it so effortlessly. If you want to revise, this is the time. If you expand the story even more without revision, you will not be able to come back later.
I hope I did not hurt your feelings. I opened this thread so we can help each other improve.
I can't hire editors as they are very expensive. So, let us help each other and edit our work for better commercial performance...

    Dungeon_Warrior are you sure you understand the post? Beta-reader means you have to read through all the chapters slowly and let me know where I can improve...you can be harsh and honest...I really wish to improve.
    You can get a quick review in other threads...I can assure you that.

    Dungeon_Warrior done. but remember please, if you want to be here you must be ready to read the whole book and then give an honest review..not just one-line reviews. We read, spend our time, and use our brain to analyze the work of others and try to help them to improve. We expect the same from you 😃 after all, you want to be a BETA Reader!!
    We will increase your reader's data and valid reading data, so help us improve ours. thanks.

    By the way, if you read we will also increase your reader count data which is very important. This will help you understand how you can get more reader and retain them in the long run. That's the goal, right?

    ToufiqUlAlam I must say that even though Webnovel sometime seem unfair, but it is one of the platforms that has the largest reader. Especially in the fantasy and action genre. The attraction will be based on the performance of the book; if it looks like most reader is not interested, then they will just ignore the book.

      NewbieJimjim thanks a lot!! well, it all depends on luck. i have seen some very successful books with weirdAss names like Really LONG...translated type work or something...
      If they are that successful, then it really puts a lot of uncertainty into the hearts of writers like me...

      I can hardly keep track of the love My readers are showing.
      I will try to give credit where I can. But Please, keep in mind, that you were the first to take an interest in my work...you will always be remembered.
      And so many more!! I cannot track all of you…But you are and will be remembered as long as my work lives.



        I think it'll be better if you do lots of rephrasing with some rephrasing website like Quillbot/ProWritingAid to make some sentence felt better to read.

        In which means, it should be slightly complex, but easy to understand.

        And with some advices I've give on every paragraphs' comments, hope this'll help.

        Or maybe, we could beta read each other for more, or even as crazy as discussing our book in our discord's DM.

          MansonFD7 we can!! I was thinking of creating a BETA readers' channel but I am not good with discord!! I will definitely link up!!! thanks!!! I will look into the websites you told me to look into...

          MansonFD7 Quillbot/ProWritingAid

          I use grammerly but I cannot get access to the Premium and if these two also wants me to get premium, I cannot do that. 😃
          I don't have credit card.... hehehe...otherwise, I would access the hell out of all sorts of readymade help out there!!! But hopefully someday, I will!!
          Things may change...that's why I am still keeping the book as paused.

            Hi guys!!! Lots of love to your!!! I have come here with another request!!!
            This book is in development as a part of 'AyodaleVerse'...heroes will meet together in future to bring an end to the evil!!

            Like always, reading, commenting and reviewing and collection, PLEASE PLEASE!!! Take time!!! but let me know what do you feel about the story!

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