
  • Mar 7, 2023
  • Joined Sep 21, 2017
  • Why am I writing this you may ask? Its mainly because I want to be true to my conscience. I may be blind to many things and ignorant of many facts on many of the scams and atrocities in the world. But when something happens in front of me, I cannot stupidly remain idle when someone thinks they successfully made a fool out of this community which includes me.

    When I first saw the post about the 5D4N competition, I was excited. This competition is amazing since it allows a 'user' to visit China. A great new year gift indeed. As far as I know, the most basic rule to win the forum likes is to comment as fast you could with good content. I saw it at midnight while working on a project that's due morning. I racked my brains to write something I believe is innovative and contains the essence of what the competition wants us to portray. @Alew was too impatient and made a blunder out of his post allowing my post to be in a position above him. What a convenient position. I started my campaign actively in my own thread https://forum.webnovel.com/d/1459-shameless-click-bait-you-know-it-but-you-will-still-click-on-it-won-t-you and passively in the forum.

    The results were great and I got many new friends who aided my campaign. I was overwhelmed by the support the existing community has given me. But 2 days later I saw the current 'winner' Meh's post my instincts start ringing.
    So a translator can run for this competition as well?
    Since there are no words preventing them what chance will a normal user will have in winning if they start campaigning?
    As I started doubting the credibility of the competition, I realized that this competition is so stupid. It does not care what the real users think or likes but its encouraging people to bring their family and friends to create a new account and vote for yourself. Which means ---- self-created likes or biased likes. No one among them gives a damn about the content or how hard the other competitors campaigned in the forum, they will just vote for the person they know and 90% of fake voters will disappear after voting.
    And I am no longer excited about this competition. Because this is an unfair one. The world is never fair, but this one is so weird that it encourages fake account votes subtly. That is why I hinted when I wished Merry Christmas that this competition's result will be determined by who will have connections or who can bring more new accounts in.

    KingBiBiK This competition may evolve soon. The sharks start gathering other adult sharks to group together. But it seems like new young born sharks have just joined the mess too and they stand on equal footing with the old sharks. This competition may turn into a fight in which Sharks can reproduce faster. Maybe the sea lord wished it to be like this. He may want everyone to reproducing at a faster rate to grow the Shark community. Don't know if some sharks will bring their own shark clones to the groups in the future.

    But I was again surprised since Meh did not campaign at all until the last 10 hours. He could have won if we gathered all his reader's likes.

    When the official 24 hr countdown post is made. I was still in the lead by 12-13 likes ahead of Alew. My likes mainly from the original users in the from the forum and Alew's a mix of his friends and original users. I was glad. I had the satisfaction of the victor. Meh with only 17 likes more than 32 likes behind me.

    I finally told my mother about this.
    "I entered a competition and I am in the top position as of now. Tomorrow will be family and friends voting day. If I can gather 20 likes by tomorrow I will win a trip to China."
    She asked me who else in the competition. I answered her that it is Alew and a translator who has a contract with the company.
    "Do you think they are stupid to give a free ride to you guys. Its just promotion for them and they already decided to make the translator the winner." This was her reply.
    I refuted her since I still have some trust in you. Qidian.
    But today I hope she never asks me who won the competition. Because I am ashamed of myself refuting her back then.

    Due to the wariness, I felt towards the competition and the disdain towards bringing self-created voters I felt reluctant fall for it and ask my in real life friends or family members for their likes. I have a small family with scattered members. The same applies with my friends as well. I did not like the idea of persuading them to do a fruitless task in a competition that could be highly rigged.

    I would like to apologize to @CKtalon @Lonelytree @JunkieOverThe_Moon @Luta @Neverfire7 @Saint @zswaleh @TheLonerLion @FaceSmackingZhang @AtIndo23 @GregLuck @Knigromancer @RohanKumar @lwh72735 @Milman97 @Cilliez @Long_Tian_Xian @MinMin @Tumeke @Vyte @Alew @Morinu @Tzar @ZiLi @IAmNotADaoist @Limostn @Shadow8ting @JP2997 @Meh @Tugster @IIXXII @MoonLord @gourab5230 @MinBaozi @alonso357 @Raizell @AlmightyKnight @schwet10 @LittleMermaidxx @Lazy_Kizu @xanadu @typicaly97 @Shameless7kim @Flaffy @belmega @ImmortalBloodRogue @zaim @NineNeatherBird @Tibbles @akuma06 @Reistae @Kosasih @NEET106 @BreakingWaves_ @Quaiyn @caffeinefocus @Naomis_Dragons @ucoquid @BabyMaker @Jai10001 @Davidjohnjackie @KinJacob107 @Chenqing @VashTheStampede @acro_polis
    that I did not persuade my irl friends enough. I am sorry despite you all supported me I did not persist to win this competition but selfishly chose to give up.

    But my choice is proven right. My decision to give up in this competition helped me from being played to a fool by the 'you know who' behind the competition. I am proud to say that I am the people's winner in this competition. When all the other competitors got their own votes I got my votes from the foundation of the community. 'The stable users' who will stay on this platform. So I am the people's champion.

    (What's below is mostly my assumptions and observations)

    Now let me tell you why my gamble of giving away my top position is right.
    Because based on today's announcement I strongly believe the competition meant Meh to win. What can users like us do in China? We do not know the language, know nothing of the country. But if Meh goes there, he will e more efficient. Compared to the tourist like us, Meh is one of the team.

    What is the purpose of this competition then?
    It is most likely because they want new users. as simple as that. Otherwise, why would such a cheat competition with a heavy price be made? Let me make a heavy guess..
    Is there a quota of the number of accounts that has to be created in the webnovel.com? Maybe big boss wants to see a good number of user accounts before the end of the year. Who knows.

    If Meh started campaigning from the beginning then he would have won easily. Why did he have to wait until the last 10 hours to bring in so many new user accounts?
    Maybe if he started early, the earlier goal of getting many new users will not be easily done. If Meh get all the likes and winning by a huge margin, then there is no point in others persuading others to create new accounts.
    This gave the poor @Alew hope but face smacks him in the end.

    Now the big reason that made me write this long post. Utter shamelessness.
    @WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL I did not know that time exists on a different plane for you guys.

    After I decided not make a fool out of myself or let others make me one, I was curiously observing the last final hours of the competition. That is upto Dec 27 midnight GMT +8.
    I can testify. Let heaven be the witness..Alew is the one who won.
    Alew had 3 - 4 likes lead over Meh.
    I was surprised. I thought my instinct and gamble is wrong. I thought I have doubted for no reason. Despite the shamelessness of using new user votes, Alew finally triumphs over meh.
    But who knew, who knew....... I was right...Goddamn right.

    When the result is announced.

    After 'careful consideration' -(Consideration of how to make Meh the winner) the officials decided the winners.
    At 27 Dec midnight GMT +8
    Meh's 63 likes became 80.
    Alew's 67 likes became 72.
    Not running mines 57 became 64.

    The Great Xianxia magic is great.
    Then the comment on how awkward it is for a translator to win. And they pity Alew for losing for just 8.

    Like some MC said 'A Prostitute trying to pass as a virgin.'

    When Alew stopped campaigning, meh is still campaigning.
    I asked him

    KingBiBiK Meh Isn't it over?

    He did not reply to me.
    Alew asked the same and his reply was.

    Meh Ohhh

    I wanted to believe Meh has no part in it. But this made me unsure. Both I and Alew knew the competition should be over based on the time and the 24 hrs countdown post. Meh could have replied back confirming us or informing us that it is not over. He does not have to. does he?

    But why would 'meh' has a different end time?
    Why did the official release the likes of a different time claiming to be the end time?

    Don't tell me you still don't believe this competition is not staged.

    People may not like Alew. You may like the translators. But don't make your like or dislike the reason to be fooled.
    People including me are idiots. We vote for a government which will not do anything for us but we still do it again. We make noise for celebrities who will not give a single coin's help to us. We listen to religious leaders who claim to be close to god but teaches discrimination and partiality. We are meant to be fooled and we are asking others to make a fool out of us.

    I am not a righteous person. I do not contempt cheating.
    I am born as a poor and will most likely die as a poor.
    I only have my dignity and this little intelligence.
    Don't scam this openly and question my intelligence.

    @WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL if you want to do something. Do it openly. Do not try to fool us.
    This is not the first time.
    When you changed the SS daily mode to random the justification you gave us is utter crap. Instead of openly saying that you reduced the steady 12 to lower amount, you used honeyed words to fool everyone. And I hope you still remember its effects.

    Is n't this the same. But most are not affected by it.

    It's your money. Your men. Your choice. Since then why do you have to involve us like fools?

    Let's just say that all my assumptions are false and I wrongly assumed them. But the change in time is a fact. Alew being the lead at that time is the fact.
    If anyone caused this post it is you. @WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL

    You can stay silent - proving your guilt.
    You can delete this post - Definitely admitting your guilt.
    You can ban my account - Admit you guilt and shamelessness.
    or justify yourself.

    One more reason why meh is not the rightful winner. Meh's post is in Friends except for mode..
    This is not the public post stated in the requirement of the competition. A public post is different. You cannot have two different policies, can you?

    Whatever, I do not care who won or who goes to China. I won based on the community's support and I am just saying this for my own satisfaction.

    I would not mind if you make this competition for translators only.
    I would not mind if Meh campaigned and won.
    I would not mind if Meh was in lead instead of Alew at that time.

    Losing trust is easy but gaining it is difficult. In the beyond the language competition, @CKtalon mentioned translators and editors submitted their work too.
    So based on this event, let me tell this to you, my friends, @TheLonerLion @mud7 @NineNeatherBird don't be surprised if all 6 spots are won by 'you know who.' (Let's hope a user get at least a position after the official reading this sarcasm)
    I can only sympathize with you. @Alew Despite your shamelessness, you were persistent and a true competitor. I only acknowledge you in this competition. But you are stupid enough to fall into the trap.

    Let me end this a story for the low IQ people. If you did not bother reading all, then there is no hope for you. You are just born to be a fool.

    Once upon a time. The Blue Wolf in the forest announced a race. He offered a great price for the first prize winner but a mediocre prize for the second and third. The turtle was first to join. Since he knew he has to start fast he was hurried and fell down initially. The monkey sage (Sun WuKong) is the second to join. He was fast and became slowly popular. Many other animals joined but did not get the initial momentum like the turtle and the monkey sage. But then the extremely popular magic rabbit joined. Maybe it remembered something, instead of running it took a nap. When the race is about to finish, the monkey sage is in front with the good lead while the turtle pestering behind. Both of them are tired but continued on. But when it was about to reach the finish line, the monkey sage did not like how the layout was made on the final lap and jumped off course. He watched atop of a tree behind him how the other contestants are doing. As the turtle reached the last lap it was a different terrain. The napping rabbit woke up and start sprinting. Rabbit is indeed popular and fast, it caught up with the turtle in no time. But may be the turtle had some big determination to get the first prize he persisted on and on. Despite his feet bled he continued on. Using all kind of tactic in the terrain with the help of his turtle friends he reached the crossing line. Thinking he is the victor he collapsed with a smile on the face.

    The rabbit also stopped there for a while before sprinting again. The monkey sage and the turtle are stupefied when they saw a new crossing line appear in front and rabbit crossing it with ease. Looking at the blood on the trail and the magic rabbit who works for him, the blue wolf had a smile on his face as it shook his head looking at the turtle "What a pity you just missed the line by 8 seconds."

    Hope you get the story. I don't want any protest or change in results. But before everyone starts congratulating the winners, I want everyone to know the story that happened in front of them and appreciate the effort of the monkey sage and turtle.

    Good Luck everyone and have a HAPPY NEW YEAR without deception.

    • Merry Christmas to all in advance.

      Since all of us comes together from different parts of this tiny world we have different time zones. So I would like to wish you all in advance.

      This competition may evolve soon. The sharks start gathering other adult sharks to group together. But it seems like new young born sharks have just joined the mess too and they stand on equal footing with the old sharks. This competition may turn into a fight in which Sharks can reproduce faster. Maybe the sea lord wished it to be like this. He may want everyone to reproducing at a faster rate to grow the Shark community. Don't know if some sharks will bring their own shark clones to the groups in the future.

      Actually, it does not matter much whether I win or not in the competition. Due to the competition, I was able to make new good friends in the community who came to my cause without any rewards offered. That itself is a big Christmas for me.

      My Special thanks to @Flaffy who is a great supporter and promoter for me in the ongoing 5D4N competition. She might have done more promotion than myself.
      Also my special thanks to @Cilliez and the snowman clan for the support.

      My hearty thanks to
      @CKtalon @Lonelytree @JunkieOverThe_Moon @Luta @Neverfire7 @zswaleh @TheLonerLion @FaceSmackingZhang @AtIndo23 @GregLuck @Knigromancer @RohanKumar @lwh72735 @Millman97 @Cilliez @Long_Tian_Xian @MinMin @Tumeke @Vyte @Alew @Morinu @Tzar @Limostn @Shadow8ting @Tugster @gourab5230 @MinBaozi @alonso357 @AlmightyKnight @LittleMermaidxx @Lazy_Kizu @xanadu @typicaly97 @Shameless7kim @Flaffy @zaim @NineNeatherBird @Tibbles @BreakingWaves_ @Quaiyn @caffeinefocus

      and all others who will like my post and support me after this.

      My life

      I am just a sailor in the sea
      caught in a turbulent wave
      reading in the deck carefree
      not because I am brave
      just curious about where the sea will take me.

      Maybe it's taking to my grave.

      (That was a brave effort. I should pat myself on the back. I do not know a single thing about structure or poems, just followed the rhyme scheme. Basically, this is exactly how I am living at the moment.)

      Sorry for the long post. Felt like writing a lot today, but things never go as planned. Anyway if you skip reading the entire thing, I strongly suggest reading everything. And some advertisement at the end.

      If you haven't liked already. Please go and like my post 19 given on the link below.

      KingBiBiK Hi, Fellow Daoists.

      I am going to join this competition. So I will be thankful if you help me with a like.

      same post just to revive this thread.

      • Merry Christmas to all in advance.

        Since all of us comes together from different parts of this tiny world we have different time zones. So I would like to wish you all in advance.

        This competition may evolve soon. The sharks start gathering other adult sharks to group together. But it seems like new young born sharks have just joined the mess too and they stand on equal footing with the old sharks. This competition may turn into a fight of which Sharks can reproduce faster. Maybe the sea lord wished it to be like this. He may want everyone to reproducing at a faster rate to grow the Shark community. Don't know if some sharks will bring their own shark clones to the groups in the future.

        Actually, it does not matter much whether I win or not in the competition. Due to the competition, I was able to make new good friends in the community who came to my cause without any rewards offered. That itself is a big Christmas for me.

        My Special thanks to @Flaffy who is a great supporter and promoter for me in the ongoing 5D4N competition. She might have done more promotion than myself.
        Also my special thanks to @Cilliez and the snowman clan for the support.

        My hearty thanks to
        @CKtalon @Lonelytree @JunkieOverThe_Moon @Luta @Neverfire7 @zswaleh @TheLonerLion @FaceSmackingZhang @AtIndo23 @GregLuck @Knigromancer @RohanKumar @lwh72735 @Millman97 @Cilliez @Long_Tian_Xian @MinMin @Tumeke @Vyte @Alew @Morinu @Tzar @Limostn @Shadow8ting @Tugster @gourab5230 @MinBaozi @alonso357 @AlmightyKnight @LittleMermaidxx @Lazy_Kizu @xanadu @typicaly97 @Shameless7kim @Flaffy @zaim @NineNeatherBird @Tibbles @BreakingWaves_ @Quaiyn @caffeinefocus

        and all others who will like my post and support me after this.

        My life

        I am just a sailor in the sea
        caught in a turbulent wave
        reading in the deck carefree
        not because I am brave
        just curious about where the sea will take me.

        Maybe it's taking to my grave.

        (That was a brave effort. I should pat myself on the back. I do not know a single thing about structure or poems, just followed the rhyme scheme. Basically, this is exactly how I am living at the moment.)

        Sorry for the long post. Felt like writing a lot today, but things never go as planned. Anyway if you skip reading the entire thing, I strongly suggest you read everything. And some advertisement at the end.

        If you haven't liked already. Please go and like my post 19 given on the link below.

        KingBiBiK Hi, Fellow Daoists.

        I am going to join this competition. So I will be thankful if you help me with a like.

        Web Novel Novel Ask