I don't get it. Why would the translator risk it just because he doesn't like some words..

    LeechesOfSoul Nope nothing changed. Maybe translator won't change the terms that he censored from before? I don't know... He still uses Han in place of China. Funny that he used USD as a currency, but still uses UA in one of the recent chapters... This translator sure is funny huh? USD with UA hahaha........... I wonder which countries currency is USD? Can anyone guess? Shouldn't be UA right? No no no that would be UAD right? Ridicilous... Sigh........

      N0xiety i did stop reading this novel because some censor or remove parts. well reading the comments sometime help just to understand the chapter plus with some wild speculations

        NormalReader Well, i'm still using an app to auto correct the censored words atleast... Not gonna drop it just because of this but still...

          N0xiety heis this tranlator.
          Life is hard and have many problem but this tranlator make additional problem.

          If you want become idealist life up to your idealist.

          Ah, and i can't drop this novel. This is to good.

          But, but i stop reading for binge read in the end . haha...

            Wow. This is really sad. I would hope everyone coming to read a novel that is of a different country would accept it for what it is. Reading something offensive might even open your mind to ideas and thoughts you didn't know existed. Novels are a work of art that the author worked hard on to create. You shouldn't change the work of art.

              a month later

              OldTimeTea Most of the times it's actually not the translator, but the original source itself has been censored. I've come across many raws where there's asterisks censoring certain characters (and it's soooooo painful trying to figure out what they want to say).

                littlemist Except if you read the first post, you can see that the translator cut out the Watergate Scandal because he found it controversial. As in history is too offensive for his reader base.

                Edit: sorry, didn't notice the reply post was about asterisked words in general.

                so that was the reason the names where so weird sometimes...

                  N0xiety translator is somewhat stupid in renaming. Even can't think out about not used names. Country teg UA already occupied for 25 years - it's Ukraine.
                  So translator is racist, he hates Ukraine. And much other countries. So or change all names or do not change anything. Better second. Or do not touch novels if do not want do a proper work.

                  Chapter 321 is only half here because the other half is censored and only available on his Patreon?
                  Why is such a thing allowed?

                    N0xiety if its by the author's permission then its okay.
                    if the raw is too offensive to somebody or groups, then change/adapt the content (with author permission) is the best choice. thats what censor is for. to make it safer (less harmful) or more enjoyable for readers.

                    i support @_Min_ and @Rainystars in this matter.

                      AreYouTheEye Are you serious? Did you even read? Do you have no logic? How is 'United States of America' offensive to you? How is 'White House' offensive? How is 'Los Angeles' offensive? How is 'Hong Kong' offensive? How is 'China' offensive? Do you get offended from everything? How the f*ck do you even live in this world with such a mindset? Do you also get offended from the name of your own country too?

                      Damn sjw are runing the world.....

                        N0xiety chill out brat! did i offended you somewhere?
                        i NEVER get offended from just anything but the way you speak right now is definitely OFFENSIVE!
                        and i feel offended by it.

                        i'm pretty sure i never speak (or write) anything offensive to you. and just in case if you really don't get what i mean (because of my terrible english).

                        AreYouTheEye N0xiety if its by the author's permission then its okay.
                        if the raw is too offensive to somebody or groups, then change/adapt the content (with author permission) is the best choice. thats what censor is for. to make it safer (less harmful) or more enjoyable for readers.

                        i support @_Min_ and @Rainystars in this matter.

                        i said IFs, if blablabla i support them in this matter.... and you said this mindset of mine can't make me live in this world? are you cursing me dead? if you can't speak up your opinion politely, you better stay silent.
                        ask your parent to teach you how to respect elderly.

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