• Qidian Official
  • 【Important Announcement】Monthly Elite subscriptions adjustment

OEE With you on this. Very frustrating. $25/mo is already expensive for an app subscription. Probably coz they get more money from us, buying SS for the same price since you will have to either buy more or wait for free SS.

ill have to drop comics and quite a few novels that are not as interesting to me as others once my subscription ends. on another note, can you make it so that bonus ss does not expire when you purchase the subscription? ive had to keep track of whatever ss is expiring that day and gift it out so it doesnt go to waste entirely because i forgot to cancel the automatic rollover for a time to spend the ss, then resubscribe. ugh

    Same thing has happened to me ridsilva
    I contacted there facebook about it and finally got a response today, been spamming that @ webnovel stuff for the past 5 or 6 days and there just radio silent.

    really. I mean it already cost me $39 dollars to subscript to this plan. also, you would think notification of this change would be visible in the app or website as inbox worthy If I did not decide to check forum I would never know it was going to be a one-month thing.

      Subscriptions was such an incredible quality of life thing for me. In 100+ chapter novels clicking the "unlock chapter" button over and over, while a small thing, gets frustrating. Please bring subscriptions back as soon as possible!

        Was trying to purchase the Elite membership for over a week, but no matter what I did, I couldn't get the option to pay (the payment button/prompt just kept infinitely swirling), I only got the prompt to pay once and it quickly disappeared. I guess the thing discontinuing explains why I couldn't purchase it in the first place.

        My membership was supposed to end on April 6th and for some reason, it was deactivated almost two weeks ago on the weekend.
        Order ID: MS6DFQH3BQ
        Document Number: 163256193613
        Date: Mar 6, 2019

        Can I get a approximate number of months I have to wait until subscriptions will be available again please? A rough number is enough for me. That would be something I could anticipate.

        WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL I bought it on the 27th and it is pending in my account but I don’t get the Ben if it’s or I do I’m confused? Even if it’s just a moth it would still be nice

          WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL welp thanks to the Subscription I could read a lot more stuff, but now I’m just going to have to drop a lot of my novel/ comics. I can’t really afford to spend 10$ every single day to catch up on the Nobel. This is quite sad time for me, but aleast I just started my membership yesterday.

          Eian_Ridley Yup, it’s all about finding that perfect revenue maximization point of subs to readers.

          I would even suggest implementing a pre-release sub program where those interested set a range for how much they’re willing to pay, and Webnovel then sets a price based on these ranges that maximize revenue, and the people who had that price in their range are obligated to then pay that amount.

          Essentially, the actual payment is delayed until a price is set, but then paying that amount is mandatory upon participating in the pre-release.

          In this way, readers pay what think is a fair price, and Webnovel and authors receive the highest possible income.

          WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL great to see a forward and improvement seeking mind, it's always good to see the platform listen to both authors and readers. Looking forward to the new improved Elite program

            WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL I call bull. I paid to renew my membership on March 24, 2019 the order id is MKQ6QG7B96 and the document number is 208258407865 and yet the Webnovel app is saying I don’t have the subscription anymore. @dapenggaofei I’m tagging you because of never’s FAQ.

            Never got a response until I emailed them. After several emails they gave me a refund because they couldn’t (or wouldn’t idk) fix the issue to let me finish using what I paid for.

            WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL I think you guys didn't plan out well enough this elite membership. Instead of a overall membership you could just have tagged a price to unlock all premium chapters for each book. That way there won't be that much of a income loss for the authors. This way, the price will drop for the users that can't afford the old membership's high price and there will also be a increase in income for the authors. Furthermore it'd be fair, since the authors with more loyal readers obviously will earn more. And all of this without removing the spirit stone system. Since it can be of extra help for those that want to support the authors. All in all, I feel like this would be beneficial for both readers and authors

            WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL The monthly subscription was a huge quality of use improvement to myself as a reader. I am VERY sad to see it go. I note that you plan to re-introduce some other form of elite subscription. I just don't understand why you didn't modify the system as it went along to get past the initial teething problems.

            WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL Please you don't care about your authors, the only thing you care about is making more money for your company. You are discontinuing the elite membership program because your "data" suggests that you would make more money squeezing the community dry buying spirit stones.

            Going back on this is dishonest and shameful not that a shameless company like this cares about their face.

              Can you give out elite subscription badges to everyone who participated in the trial? Even if you change the format later on or get rid of it entirely it would be nice to have a badge that shows our participation in this elite subscription beta program.

              WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL So disappointed that the program will discontinue.. I am enrolled in the subscription and my membership will expire soon.. and I have so many books that I'm currently reading right now.. And I'm constantly giving away my stones since I don't need them to read new updates.. I hope a new program will be inplace soon...

              WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL why i can't continue to pay my one month membership. How can i pay my member ship. Before i already pay for a month. Niw is expired. Abd i want to contunie. I forget to pay. It. Can you help me tq

                Aish.. so thats the reason why I cant find the subscription button anywhere huh.

                ETA info for next elite membership pls

                Oh thank you for this.
                And no big announcement about it.

                I was one of the first who took the chance to get the membership (4th April my membership will expire).
                I suggested others to take it too.
                I think you fuck up now.

                I think I quit and choose the illegal platforms. It's better than give you money only that you can stop everything everytime. Next step you can read 1 novel for 15 Dollars or something else. I could vomit about it. 😡

                Thank you quidian to get everyone back on the old sites....

                  WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL Wouldn’t it have been more customer friendly to continue with subscriptions as is, not allow more enrollments, and then move current subscribers over to the new program once launched?

                  In anticipation of the subscription program, you all aggressively locked down the previously free chapter of novels, reduced the number of free chapter prior to using spirit stones, pushed several translations and original novels to premium, and offered a 1st month discount to entice enrollment.

                  The fact is that with the premium model, it would cost hundreds of dollar to finish a single novel. There were several novels that I anticipated picking up again and have caught up on many stories I let go because of costs. And now I feel angry, because I feel cheated of a cost effective way for me to enjoy the content, even though $25 per month is more than I spent on average.

                  Going forward, I hope you’d do more to engage customers and ensure the minimum impact to readers when changes like this are made. The way your company is going about making changes to your services makes the impression that you all believe that we need you more than you need us.

                    -oi webnovel..itss seems like ur greeds r getting bigger nowaday huh..what does ur authors and translators income dropping has things with us the readers..?!!! we spends ss on gifts..b4 elite we spend bigs money on premium..once unlock from 100..now getting earlier isnt it..?

                    seeing readers throw money just for the sake of unfinished book feels good right??

                    tell the authors..if they use their brains to make a good novel..we also use our money to read good novel..
                    if they spend time write..we also spend our time just to wait the next ONE chapter..n who know if we could even get mass release..

                    ur peoples income drop..have u ever thought bout our wallet..?

                    greedy lead no good..even tho webnovel got lot of good novels..readers will dropping eventually..

                    tell them to work harder instead of whining bout income..we reader arent that heartless..be more creative..!!! create more events..!!!

                    from 1 to 10..9 of them ur consent is MONEY..!!!

                      WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL do we have to go in the Play Store to cancel the subscription to avoid the next payment? Or it has already been cancelled by Webnovel?
                      I'm asking, because the renewal is automatic at the last day of the month.

                        Iyorin based on the first post of this thread, I think they are cancelling the subscription program, so no. There would be no more subscription available.
                        I dont know about later on though.

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