I got your review down, with out a doubt an adult novel. XD Overall the story passing seemed slow to me but I'm more used to reading more action focused stories so I think you probably don't have too much to worry about. That's the biggest thing I noticed. Another thing that kind of seemed off to me was about the MC, when he felt awkward holding a girl in his arms being naked it seemed to not particularly match his character, either that or his character isn't actually as bad as his reputation. This is an important distinction to make because he could be like the MC of overlord where he's actually not so bad, or he could totally be the worst person to have ever lived. The throne of human suffering and his minions most certainly give of his evilness, however he never actually admits one way or the other to the reader, so I was left wondering for quite awhile.
Grammar and descriptions were all excellent aside from a few typos, there weren't that many though. The description of the second infernal was especially excellent right near the beginning of the story.