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Welcome everyone to Authors and Readers Thoughts! This group was created from a spark of trying to establish a welcoming and friendly atmosphere for Authors and Readers. To clarify, most readers are Authors and vice versa and that's ok. We have a lot to learn from each other and implement on our daily bases with our writing skills and reviewing progress.
As I said, I am or we are moving forward in creating a peaceful relationship by interacting with each other concerning our flaws i.e. any thought we want to share concerning Authors' updates or readers' reviews so that, we could unite and seek for a better solution to them will be of help to someone (Author or not).
I for one as an Author and reader know some readers want to share their troubles and advise Authors on certain things they don't recognize or ignore. We've used several techniques of reaching out to our Authors but failed in the process, either because we didn't use the right approach or our Authors misunderstood our words. So, we want to be able to say those things we were not given the chance to say but more beautifully and respectfully.
On the other side, Authors want to reach out to readers in general and question them about certain strange things like what could cause readers to read a book till the end and go to the extent of adding to their library yet, don't leave a review, and all the like.
To finalize, this platform is meant to share our thoughts concerning either describing Authors' flaws or readers' reproach. Whatever thing that could build us positively and make us respectful within ourselves not only here but society as a whole.
My rules or everyone's rule for the better building of this community is to talk politely when approaching an individual, or individuals concerning the subjects specified above. No vulgar words or insults are allowed. If by any means, there is a tense environment between you and someone here, I recommend you take a break or get yourself distracted to keep you from uttering something impolite or painful. I know it's not easy sometimes but try to do it for your good and that of others.
We are family here and must learn to understand one another. If you want to correct anyone, do it with love. Don't judge or embarrass them. Yes, they may be wrong and you are right but it may not be intentional and even if it was, you digging in negatively will not make you any different from them.
Please, patiently wait for a reply and if no one does, don't cause a scandal. Some questions take time to digest and give out a presentable response. And please, we all should try to give answers to questions if we can. if not, don't. At that moment, your silence will be far preferable than a knot to tie (Not a good one though).
Again, let everyone try their possible best not to share or advertise the link to their books or whatsoever. I repeat... it is not allowed! if someone asks you about your book, simply reply without making so much advertisement. If that person wants to know more, you could look for somewhere else to expatiate your discussion. Trust me guys you and I know if we implement that here, there will be many misbehaviors and strive.
We are looking forward to an outstanding community so, we should by ourselves be outstanding and responsible as we abide by the above rules. I haven't thought of more so far but if someone has a suggestion to give concerning that, who I'm I to reject? the flaw is open and welcoming to everyone as far as you are not for destruction. And if you have a question concerning what I've said so far, bring it on.
Welcome once again and have a blessed stay...