- Edited
I can't agree more with the author of this post.
Sex is not pornography, and vice versa.
There are also a number of ways to NOT describe sex if you don't feel comfortable with it. That's what I used to do beforehand, like a brush painting a few lines, and keeping the rest in the dark. The reader's imagination can sometimes fill in those blanks rather easily.
It can be a simple: 'This night, Tristan and Isolde danced to the melody of their intertwined bodies, reaching that blissful oblivion that only lovers knew'
If you described the kisses beforehand, and the connection of touching skin, the depth of their feelings, that can be enough.
More detailed, but still without any technicalities:
"Her delicate hands traced the scars of his back as she clung to him, her plush, creamy thighs welcomed him as he settled in their embrace. And he found solace in her depth as he made love to her, relishing in the caresses of a woman for the first time in years until he abandoned all sense. Tristan nearly wept as he buried himself deep inside her welcoming body, relief, pleasure, heartache and love mingling in his chest."
Now that I feel more comfortable about it, I'd put a little more details. But some words will automatically shift your scene to something much more vulgar. There are so many words to describe a man's appendage, for example. 'Cock' is a no no !
If you want it sweet, you don't even have to describe it. You can call it solid desire for all you care, you're the author. Any image is welcome.
I adore love scenes. I hate smut scenes. If there's no emotionnal connection, I feel like I'm surfing on a pornographic website. What's the point ?
Anyway. Since I write mainly romance, I've got more or less detailed scenes, depending on the context, the mood, the depth of the story. But no vulgarity. This is love !
And if we want our youngsters to learn how to treat a partner properly, they should definitely read more love scenes :)