I’ve also read romance novels since I was 12 or so, starting with the Harlequin bodice ripper type romances. At the time these were pretty mild, I’d say PG-13 or so although I understand Harlequin has a new imprint these days that is essentially X-rated/erotica.
Theres essentially 4 different ways you can approach this issue:
- Do not have romance in your novel. This is the choice I made in the two stories I am writing right now.
- Fade to black prior to any serious sex scenes.
- Try to write the sex scenes but remain classy about it (this is the hardest to accomplish, I think.)
- Lean into the sex scenes but at that point you’re just writing erotica — fine, I guess, but don’t kid yourself.
Writing sex scenes is hard for me, even though I am rather experienced in that area myself in reality. I’m not sure why, the closest I can think of is that if I didn’t hold back there would be whips and chains and stuff that is a bit over the top but me holding back seems stilted. Heh.
Good post.