GWEN 😂 Okay hon😂
First off it’s been a month: get a life. Secondly, this is a thread that I created, not you. You’re right: I am one person on this forum, but for some reason, you seem to have nothing better to do with Your life other than to bother me with your ignorance. You have already back-tracked on your initial statement numerous times in our back and forths, and as I stated before; I created this thread, so how about you go harass someone else..
You could even make your own thread and go harass people that disagree with you there.
As to the apology thing: I think you misunderstood. I Know you’re not about to apologize to me for your pompous behavior. I understand that people like you are just miserable trolls that have nothing better to do than jump into other people’s threads, and stink up the place. What I was thanking you for was apologizing to anyone else that you have offended.
GWEN I will apologize to those that I offended regarding not writing sex scenes if they're embarrassed.
So again, thank you for that😁 I personally couldn’t give two craps about your shallow existence, but since you seem to feed on conflict like the troll that you are; I figured I could at least use your persistent, idiotic presence as an example on how to handle trolls. The bottom line, since you clearly just don’t understand: Go Away