This is really sad. I hope you're able to get this sorted out.
All the best.
The kind of crap authors have to deal with every now and then.
Grand_Void_Daoist I doubt it, every time I ask my Content Editors, they would tell me to ignore the guy and not respond.
Kotario I swear to god, that person seems like a total nutjob.
“Just my opinion. many people who wants to read adventure or fantasy likes to read stories not something like this.”
You don’t like to read it? Then just don’t read it like what a normal person would do. The lengths some people go to just to hate on something never fails to surprise me.
As for his comments being “deleted”, that’s probably because he kept spamming it.
I'm so sorry you're having to deal with this attention-seeking reader. Nobody deserves to be harassed like this. If he was a normal person, he would move on after finding that your book isn't really his cup of tea. Seems like he's really fixated on getting a reaction out of you. Good luck and do contact the content editor to get him banned.
Ooh man... now I feel lucky to have so few shit comments like this....
Strength and courage, mate. Strength and courage.
Today, I wake up to see that he got his alts to spam as well. I mean really, the other three accounts had never read the novel before a few hours ago and suddenly they are parroting what the guy says in every comment and had time to review.
I'm new to Webnovel and all the mayhem that comes with some aspects of it. However, after reading this thread, I went ahead and read your novel. I can't pass by without saying that your work is absolutely phenomenal. From just the exposition of both your novels, I was intrigued and entranced by, not only the atmosphere of your stories, but your amazing writing style. Your work is what I've been looking for for a very long time - gave me that warm, tense, exciting feeling that I got when I read my first novel eons ago - which is the reason I even became a writer; I sought that sensation. I hope that troll finds the peace and love they need. I commend you for maturely handling the situation!
I'm sorry you have to deal with this. It's incredible how bold and hateful people can get behind a screen of anonymity. I feel like, when negative reviews aren't constructive and don't offer any sort of feedback to the author and in this case, can also affect your confidence in writing and be a form of cyber-bullying, then deleting them is entirely justified.
This thread's earlier posts were helpful and constructive(Ignore the later posts, however, as ironically, a troll starts verbally harassing an author)
Kotario My case is complete opposite! Readers are reading my novel but not even single person posted a review on it. Now I am in dilemma whether I should continue writing it or drop the novel!
Shreya2711 keep going, it takes time to build momentum with how saturated the site is nowadays.
People are wrong.
They are not anonymous on the internet, they just don't know it. It's so easy to find someone who harasses others. Unless they're first-class hackers, and I don't think the first-class hackers want to play 'silly games' at webnovel.
Besides, they do not go unpunished at all.
This guy is a legend. He made another post in one of the reviews and I replied with the link to this post.
Immediately, he changed his account name as if he would suddenly become invisible.
The same Aicrag_hosaj dude is now this Your Nightmare.
Remember his three alts? He's been having conversations with himself using them.
- Edited
That guy is mad.... This is just pure madness. He's a total nutcase. Even if he doesn't like your book, I don't see the point in doing this. It's just giving me the urge to jump at his throat.
Hum, it's really funny how Webnovel doesn't really care that much this stuff. I've seen that he's been harassing you for a while with the same account but he's still there... Just wtf?
I was harassed on Royal Road but when I reported it, the staff there responded in less than an hour. Here, you gotta wait... what? Months? This is bullshit.
Its the guy's fifteen seconds of fame.
Reminds me of this douche canoe I knew on tf2. Guy had a falling out with a mutual acquaintance now the guy is in full tilt mode trash talking, stalking, harassment and so forth.
All cause he fell out with a rando on the interwebs.
Ultimately like that guy, Kotario's stalker is just a public cry of attention. 'Look at me losing my shit over something that doesn't matter! Is everyone watching?!?!?'
Kotario Honestly, now I kinda pity that guy. Like, you can really tell that after a year of quarantine, it must have really got to him. You know that it’s either that that guy’s bored af, or he’s really just lost it.
Kotario His head may broken...