• Diss
  • Your novel is trash if it has harem

if every harem novel you read is trash novel then that means you are either
A:close minded
B:you read only trash novels they were trash and you blamed it on harem
solution read some good novels

    Misguided_Rooster can't it just be there for comedy tho?
    Example: Mc being a hothead who goes around copping feels and no one bothers him about it. Most he gets is getting knocked unconscious Every time he squeezes a chicks ass… then plot armor makes all those girls fall for him😹😹

      webtalewriter now that's a great comparison
      You really can't say somethings trash because you don't like it lol
      Good point man

        Misguided_Rooster come on lighten up😹😹
        Man just gets a harem from copping feels
        Like how Meliodas does with Elizabeth (Seven deadly sins reference)

          I feel OP is having "personal issues" and just trolling for attention as a result. Don't feed the underage trolls, it's not good for their health

            YulongYuXianTaiyin Dont you dare! Don't you ever dare! I am trying to control myself right now. I was eating and laughing at these post but...Dont you dare shake this table.
            Over 99% of the books in webnovel are tailor made for you so better * * and go and read.
            We have few decent plots, don't carry your s
            ** over here.
            No offence.

              Dark_Scholars How do you know what's tailor-made for me? You don't. Harem isn't my taste at all. CCG would've been an exception. You should know that there are exceptions to most things. And 'don't you dare' what? Makes no sense. I suggest you think before you act/talk, else you you will easily make enemies for being a D, which you are.

                Your opinions and feelings matter as much as the person standing next to you. Chill out, bruhs.

                  YulongYuXianTaiyin Makes sense.
                  No offence again but I did not realise I had to spell it out for you. I meant don't you dare say that CCG would be good with a harem. Dedicated fans won't like to hear it, I know because I am one and on discord forums, we have always boasted that CCG is not like those harem filled empty plot xianxia stories.
                  You are right that I should not have assumed what was tailor made for you. However by suggesting that CCG will be good with a harem🤷🏼‍♂️ what else was I meant to think about your taste in stories. I mean if bread and butter isn't your thing, would you go around telling people to eat it. Your language deliberately lead me to that assumption but you are correct, I should have taken my time to think further. I am not a D, whatever that means.
                  Once again, no offense.

                    Misguided_Rooster Imma let you re-read what you wrote and let you sit down.

                    damn, you are still going strong. take a chill-pill. we see you hate harem and it might just be the worst thing in existence like you say, but what does it even matter? why are you so obsessed with hating on something just because it ain't to your taste?

                      This tread was so insigtful
                      It's been good to see what exactly people hate in harems for me, as I decided (because of money, ofc) to have harem in my novel. It's quite a relief to see that as of now, I avoided at least the main horror cliche of "every girl falls for MC for no goddamn reason".
                      Considering that MC is a murderous demon from Hell who looks only more ugly as the plot progressess, this cliche would've been very hard to pull off, since I'd have to scoop all the brain out of my head first.

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