I'm fine with insulting them. I don't think it's superior, don't overreach. All I stated was that if you have a harem in your novel, of course relating to the MC, your novel is trash. I've been reading for 4-5 years now and did indeed come to this conclusion.
Harem is fanservice. It's there to please those who like it. What does it add to a story? Nothing but stupidity and filler. Let's not even talk about a normal thinking human suddenly marrying 5 different girls because he loves them all, nor mention the sexism(or in some cases extreme levels of stupidity) in chinese novels(which has a lot to do with this).
Just ask yourself, can this novel do without a harem. Majority of novels have some sort of harem when there is literally no need and it makes no freaking sense to have. Please don't use the 'political marriage' bullshit.
I don't care if I offend people. I will straight up tell you if your novel is trash if it is.
Harem is trash and will always be trash. Every single auhor that has a harem in their stories is a cheap and lame author. I hope you get arthitis.