Its a pretty common thing hosting sites like these all over the web slide into terms of service agreements... It also applies to anything you post in these forums as well.

It's just a matter of whether or not they plan to enforce it.

    WonderDuckie Actually this is one of the worst (maybe worst of all?) ToS of all webnovel sites. RRL and even Wattpad have better ToS.

    The only reason why Qidian could ever succeed enforcing ToS like this international is due to its status as the corrupt uncle of the currupt sect leader who regularly bribes the disciplinary department and emperor(s semi elected council of demonic cultivators).


    Limited License Grant to Webnovel. By posting or publishing User Content, you grant Webnovel a worldwide and non-exclusive right and license (with the right to sublicense to Webnovel affiliates solely in connection with their provision of the Services) to host, store, transfer, display, perform, reproduce, transmit, broadcast, modify (which is made solely for the purpose of formatting for display), and distribute your User Content, in whole or in part, in any media formats only through our Services.

    This is the newest one, dated April 11, 2018. The one you are reading was dated December 27, 2017. That was before Inkstone was opened up and the content only referred to reviews and comments.

      Hey man I like the smart phrasing but no. Here’s another way to say what was summarized.

      If you post on inkstone, qidian can now, on a world wide level publish your work without having to pay anything, also license it to other parties, use it to format displayable material like manga, manhwa, anime, books, PDFs and etc. fancy wording doesn’t mean I’m stupid.

      Personally I’m not publishing any of my three already made drafts for the books, and I hope for the best of other self appointed others.

      Now good night.

        Ideal The new TOS doesn't say anything like that. You are free to decide on what to do with your own content. Good night.


          yes, I was told by anonymous source, QI will definitely spend huge money to adapt some random unknown original novel to movies/anime when potential legal trouble, (instead of adapting any more popular ones which they already own)

            That's what Ideal is arguing. They -don't- have to pay for it if your novel just happens to get popular and you posted on here. In that case, they don't have to give you a single cent.

            Thank you for understanding

              No offense but don’t act like your outsmarting anybody.
              Just because I don’t tell you that I have money doesn’t mean I don’t have money.
              Just because I don’t say I steal doesn’t mean I won’t or haven’t ever stolen. Written word is an art, and con artist are many.

                Ummmm. I'm a student who is also writing a novel and could use some feedback on my work from somebody who reads light novels (Nobody at my school does!) and f you have drafts I would be happy to read and go over them. Would you like to exchange pointers and etc? I have no bad intentions I'm just interested and desperate for help.


                I don't see ad or money involved in original novel, so qi didn't make money at expense of original novel

                and those author are no idiot, the choose to publish here, because qi promise a contract if the novel goes big

                If you find this unjustified, you could create your own website competing with QI with your better term

                And What are you going to achieve here by posting? No matter how many of your words, qi will continue their operation exactly the same, since the boss probably don't read this forum

                  If you're going to be an internet lawyer you should at the very least do a bit of research.

                  Limited License Grant - Basically this is saying that this is a intellectual property rights license. In this case referring to copyright. You are granting some but not all the rights which the owner holds.

                  Non-exclusive rights and license - This is an agreement repeating parts of the above and also stating that you the owner retain the right to also allow others to enter a non-exclusive agreement over your property. Basically if you want to post to royalroad, Amazon or your own site you can.

                  With the right to sub-license to Webnovel affiliates - This means if JoesCrabShack is an affiliate of Webnovel they can do all the below listed as well.

                  "host, store, transfer, display, perform, reproduce, transmit, broadcast, modify (which is made solely for the purpose of formatting for display), and distribute your User Content, in whole or in part, in any media formats only through our Services."

                  They can post your story, transfer it to another site if theirs or an affiliates, display it, perform, reproduce the story (Copy, not to be confused with stealing), transmit and broadcast via advertising, modify: which there is a clause to only modify for format purposes and distribute your story as a whole or only part of it in any media or advertising that the Webnovel services take part in.

                  What these ToS do not grant. Permanent contract, you are free to break the Grant should Webnovel breach anything such as "Stealing" your story. Its vague and unspecified but the one debatable piece is the length of the grant/license. But because its limited it cant be a permanent thing.

                  Monetization - By bringing traffic to the site or if someone opens and reads your book Webnovel can make money off of your book via ads if they are plastered all over. What they can not do is suddenly turn your book premium and pocket the money. One they would be breaching the limited grant opening themselves up to more problems and two it's much easier for them to write up a new contract for payment that will give them an exclusive grant and obtain more rights to your story, like all publishers do.

                  Can they turn your story into an anime, manga, manhwa, books or pdf files. Yes and no, they would first need a branch or affiliate site that has those kinds of people on staff. Secondly due to the fact that there is a clause on the modify no they could not turn it into an anime or manga. The reason why is because if in your story the roads are blue and they print a black and white that's already a breach of modifying. But going back to monetization they are not going to waste resources, time and money on something that they dont even have the full rights to sell.

                  After that wall of text I'd say you have to be a special kind of conceited to believe that your books are so good they would warrant Webnovels attention in the first place. Take the tinfoil hat off and just write. If you dont wanna do it here then piss off onto the many other platforms. No ones begging you to publish on Inkstone.

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