I don’t think that I am the only person that is tried of the bulls**t that is happening around Swallowed Star. So I ask the question When is Qidian gonna get a reliable translator for swallowed star? I paid money to buy the stones and pay for the premium chapters and now we don’t get updates for weeks and that keeps happening. We want a good swallowed Star translator.

yeah Swallowed Star hardly get updated and I Eat Tomato is pretty popular isn't he with Coiling Dragon release to NA. Has a Manga etc

    WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL and probably add some extra chaps cause free chaps almost caught up to premium. Not that I’m complaining about that.

      Can we know who the new translator is going to be and if they have previously translated? This is a great story and having read the raws I'd hate to see it spoiled by inept translatations. Ideally I'd like to hope the translator is at least a fan of this novel.

        MyriadBlades This, I really hope they don't MTL or leave the sentencing in a state of awkwardness and poor grammar. That in of itself destroys my want to read the novels, and i've followed this novel since it was on the old forum before going over to Translation Nations then here. I really do hope the new Translator is good and won't let us down.

        so the wait begins sigh i hope they do a mass release to cover up all the lost chapters we could have had in this period of no updates.

          Id hope you do however I doubt it as the translator may wish to build up a 'stock' of chapters. I feel the larger issue is the people who invested in the chapters using spirit stones ie real money on the understanding that they would have regular releases and to be a certain extent be ahead however now and likely by the time translation begins anew the regular chapters will have likely caught up to the premium release schedule

          Just read Desolate Era. Swallowed Star is just DE with different names.

            bachingchung You can easily say just read an IET novel, this other IET novel is like this other IET novel.

            SRandom Every team/translator has their own system. Even if Webnovel creates one, most translators will not use it. They are also not obligated by contract to share glossaries with Webnovel.

              CKtalon hmmm.. i thought that while teams have translation systems, it is quite unlikely for freelance/individuals to buy one as they would probably use Google Translate instead. Therefore, if there are a sufficient number of novel translations being outsourced to individuals, it make sense for Qidian to come up with their own translation system. It creates a win-win situation by reducing the workload for translators and allowing Qidian to own the glossary. This would make handing over work easier if a translator went 'missing'.

                SRandom When I say translation system, it means their way of doing things. They should and will be fired if they use Google Translate.

                The Qidian tech team also has much greater things on their hands than come up with such a system that might not be used by the translators (unless forced, which Qidian does not wish to do so). The 'missing' of translators isn't that terrible a problem. Approximately 5-10% of the books have such problems after all.

                  CKtalon The 'missing' of translators isn't that terrible a problem.

                  What a misleading statement.

                  Sure it's easy to replace a translator. But to replace a competent one is considerably harder. If you keep driving away well qualified translators all that you end up with is mediocrity.

                  The statement also marginalizes translators. Good translators don't just translate word for word. They also create.

                  You should understand this!

                  Translating shouldn't be considered a 'sweatshop' position as it's starting to appear that many TL's are under QI.

                  CKtalon The 'missing' of translators isn't that terrible a problem. Approximately 5-10% of the books have such problems after all.

                  Aren't you worried? instead, it seems that you're proud of that, lol.

                    Nehaust It's simply inevitable. There are always black sheep in any organization and the problem becomes more apparent when the number of people increase. The general idea is that the black sheep will eventually weed themselves out, with good ones replacing them.

                    Besides, this is no longer fan translation. China Literature is investing a lot of money to get these books translated so every book they pick up will be completed eventually.

                      checkm8 It's because the entire novel is going to be retranslated due to the terrible job the original translators did in the beginning. In the mean time, it was taken down to prevent sullying the author's reputation with the terrible translations.

                        checkm8 Nyoibo Studio are working on the book of Cthulhu Gonfalon, and it's going to be republished soon when the translated chapters pass the qidian's QA check process.

                          7 days later

                          CKtalon i forgot lol, but sometimes i found them lying in the web. only bother reading few chapter at most. sometimes there's also translator who retranslates a novel, so i assume it's badly translated

                            8 days later

                            We've had nothing for weeks now! An update would be nice!

                              meh i already quit reading on qindian only stayed for Swallowed Star which i don't see coming any time soon and that no replies to questions policy of qindian is also great..........

                              Wild_Pikachu_Lv666 MTL is nice if u can't hold onto those cliffhangers and want to read ahead but the quality of translation is really bad

                                This discussion has provided me with a lot of information on how the novels go through different procedures before they come to our monitors , This tells how Qidian is making efforts to assist the authors in presenting a more palliable product to read

                                But still no update on when translation will be resumed I was under the impression that the new translator needed a few weeks to stockpile but it has now been longer than a few weeks and still nothing so does this mean the translator is either imcompetant, we have been lied to as to what is going on or that there wasn't a new translator lined up

                                  Supposed to be mid juneish. Then they can tell us July. Truthfully though they are taking the time to ensure quality and smooth transition. I want it now but can wait for those reasons.

                                    CKtalon HN1F and Spirit Sword Mountain have good translations, but jarringly poor editing for he first couple hundred chapters. The former drove me crazy with the incorrect gender pronouns, and the latter kept using halting English. I recall other series that had poor quality, but they couldn't hold my interest like these two.

                                    5 days later

                                    There could be a delay with the newer chapters between the site and translator. I forgot the title of another novel I am reading (I am seriously reading 50+ ongoing stories so don't blame me for forgetting titles or names 😂) but parts has been re-translated and reformatted. They also stocked up on some chapters. What was suppose to take 2 weeks turn into 2 months but they are now releasing new chapters steadily with great quality. Part of the delay was bevause the translators or editors would send in chapters that may have a small problem of some sort. They have to wait for the site response, correct it, then send it back. In this case the translator may have to get familiar with the story and or how the previous translator did it. I have seen translators pick up dropped stories and end changing some words or names.

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