I've been reading the comments here. I can see the situation from both sides. As a reader of novels I loved the subscription. Once a month payment and I was done. The author in me who has just signed a contract can see it from the author income perspective particularly as I know that my novel will be unlikely to ever reach the top 5 in the power rankings in a week.
Thinking about it, rather than it being unlimited chapter unlocked, maybe it needs to be a subscription based around a number of chapters per month. You could opt to buy each month on the subscription X number of chapters, and it would take into account comics as well. Then there would be a number of levels based on the number of chapters per month. The subscription value could be set at a rate that is effectively a discount for SS as an ongoing purchase. If you need more or less you can alter your subscription for this. Over and above the number of chapters you buy you use earned or purchased SS.
Going that way would not only unlock chapters read under the subscription, but give authors their income and allow the reader to have a known cost per month based on the number of chapters selected.
For example 30 chapters per month (ie one chapter per day) subscription might say cost $2.50 per month. We the reader pick our chapters to read. (Note this is based on an average cost of 4.5 SS per chapter, ie 135 SS per month and a cost of $0.0224 per SS). Readers get a discount, authors get their income. The issue will be working out the pricing as it needs to be cheaper than purchasing SS to unlock chapters (especially for someone like me who has so many premium novels in their library - What can I say I love to read).
The outcome is everyone wins and it resolves the issues for why it was stopped in the first place.