• Qidian Official
  • 【Important Announcement】Monthly Elite subscriptions adjustment

I hope you bring back the subscription I don’t have an issue paying $24.99 because I also read comics. Please bring it back soon.

    Quetzacchi exactly, who honestly says "hey we have this steady source of income, let's kill that for a few months while we make a new system.

    I've been reading the comments here. I can see the situation from both sides. As a reader of novels I loved the subscription. Once a month payment and I was done. The author in me who has just signed a contract can see it from the author income perspective particularly as I know that my novel will be unlikely to ever reach the top 5 in the power rankings in a week.

    Thinking about it, rather than it being unlimited chapter unlocked, maybe it needs to be a subscription based around a number of chapters per month. You could opt to buy each month on the subscription X number of chapters, and it would take into account comics as well. Then there would be a number of levels based on the number of chapters per month. The subscription value could be set at a rate that is effectively a discount for SS as an ongoing purchase. If you need more or less you can alter your subscription for this. Over and above the number of chapters you buy you use earned or purchased SS.

    Going that way would not only unlock chapters read under the subscription, but give authors their income and allow the reader to have a known cost per month based on the number of chapters selected.

    For example 30 chapters per month (ie one chapter per day) subscription might say cost $2.50 per month. We the reader pick our chapters to read. (Note this is based on an average cost of 4.5 SS per chapter, ie 135 SS per month and a cost of $0.0224 per SS). Readers get a discount, authors get their income. The issue will be working out the pricing as it needs to be cheaper than purchasing SS to unlock chapters (especially for someone like me who has so many premium novels in their library - What can I say I love to read).

    The outcome is everyone wins and it resolves the issues for why it was stopped in the first place.

      Benjamin_xD Almost $100 a week??! Dude, dont do that. All their new 'announcements' are like marketing schemes to get us more and more addicted to novels. They got you good. Look elsewhere until they fix their sh*t.

      WataNpiya Well said...
      @WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL ... this brainy marketing ppl should also know that u should to loyal to your customers too for you to make profit in long run... if you keep manipulating the readers for your profit alone then there’s various platforms to fulfill our hunger for reading... hope you keep that in mind before trying your marketing strategies...

      ryuu_kun yea you right, l'm same with you. Personally i not have problem if subcrition elite is disbain, but at least let me keep the story that i have read still unlock. So i'm not will fell very disappoint, angry, and sad like now.

      klmorgan @WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL i disagree with you, bcoz for me, elite subscription makes me want to read new novel from new writer that i don't normally trust with my SS, bcoz some of us didn't want to read new novel from new author bcoz we didn't want to feel betrayed when the story get really boring in the middle, or the character development became monotonous (it's feels like WTF happen? my SS gone bcoz of this???)

      on the other hand the former subscription system gave the reader this confidence to try reading new novel, instead of max chapter per month system, honestly i personally will go back to read the novel i like without bothering any new writer, and truthfully i really hate that.

      instead of this system, why didn't qidian use viewer count system as a bonus for the writer? the more ID that view the chapter the more bonuses for said translator or author??

      the last system was not failed, the problem laid on the distribution of income is it not?? so fix that instead

      Omg, I just found out today about this matter 😭😭😭
      And every novels that I’ve read had been unlocked so I can’t re-read it again. To be honest it’s unfair because we spend money to pay elite membership and we have the right to be unlocked the novel that we have read (I mean previous chapters during our elite membership program).
      Does this mean that we have to buy SS again if we want to re-read those chapters 😡

      klmorgan you are just adding a new fuel option, instead of running with SS (Fuel A) authors and translators will be running with the cheaper Fuel B, they will deliver the same amount of chapters (km or miles) but will receive a cheaper Fuel (income) and the small authors will get nothing. With the subscription, even the free novels might get something.

      The main problem is how to convert the free users in order to cover for the reduction in expenditure of the current Premium users ( take a look at my previous suggestion )

        Vizz77 Couldn’t agree more..... and I really hate webnovel..... it’s so capitalist.... they’re just thinking their own profits, they ignore their readers who has subscribed for elite membership....

        ZanySphere that's what i'm saying, the most trending novel would get a ton of ss while the new comer would get non, they can't even compete fairly bcoz everyone will use their chance to read something they already like, in the end the new comer never have a real platform to grow, it's capitalism all over again

        moreover i'm confuse woth the announcement

        it says there's an increase on number of subscribers, many detectable raise og income on authors, while a decrease of income on SOME authors (i think it's not decreasing but STABILIZING)

        this data obviously shows how successful the elite subscription system was..

        is it not?

          funky_monkey I understand that. What I don't understand is why they have to lock the chapters that we DID pay SS for. Why do we have to pay that again if we want to go back and re-read? I am not going to spend all that time and money, not to get a new product, but instead to get back what I paid for. It's ridiculous to expect that of us.

            I planned on staying as a silent observer of this forum as I felt most of the comments already expressed my personal opinion quite strongly even, if I may add.. But I felt I had to give my 2 cents even though I'm not too sure if it'll make any difference at all as it looks like @WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL & @Webnovel_Staff is completely intent on ignoring their readers (albeit their consumers) completely..

            Anyway, I just want to make a comparison just for the sake of it.. I'm an avid reader.. I spend probably more money on subscriptions and books than anything else (except maybe for my dogs).. I have one series that I follow in Kindle religiously which cost me approximately $10cdn a book (COMPLETED).. Although the series is not done, the author only release a book once a year so that's $10 a year and I got the first 5 books on discounted price.. All in all I spent less than $100cdn for 13 completed books (albeit the series not being done yet).. And I have other COMPLETED books for less than $5cdn..

            Now let's go to Webnovel.. I spent almost $120cdn worth of SS to finish a novel.. Excessive?? Definitely!! So I actually felt that I should start considering other options (which I definitely have) for my binge reading even though I like quite a few number of novels here.. But then they introduced the subscription option.. And I thought $33cdn (it's not even $25 for us) is still a little too much but since Webnovel has 4 novels that I used to read free but Qidian decided to license and the translations moved here, and there are quite a few original novels that got me interested, that I should invest in this so I did.. But then out of the blue, without even notice or any form of communication except for a forum post, which I thankfully read even though I rarely go to forums and just happened to click on the forum post that one faithful day, imagine the disappontment I felt and I can bet all the money I spent on SS that probably all premium subscribers felt..

            I will not say that I understand the authors point of view because after all I don't have facts and numbers to prove anything and can only rely on what Webnovel posted so I can only share my 2 cents from a consumer's point of view.. I know I myself will just finish my remaining SS before the Webnovel app is completely uninstalled in all of my devices.. I know my mere $33cdn is nothing in the scheme of things but imagine 20 users or more who previously had subscriptions, gone completely because of this 'smart' move.. I've already removed more than half of the novels in my library and sadly half of them are original works but Webnovel really left me with no other option.. Again, as stated by many already, it would have probably been okay and Webnovel could have probably continue with the excessive prices for SS without getting any backlash from anyone if they didnt introduced the premium subscription to anyone..

            Okay my 2 cents was longer than I intended but at least I got my opinion out there.. Whether it will make a difference or not, who would know 😊

            Even chapters I previously read are locked now... I cant go back and reread anything I read during the subscription period. That's a little ridiculous and I am dropping over half my novels now, it's just way to damn expensive per chapter!

            Dante_The_Immortal THAT IS EXACTLY WHAT HAPPENED TO ME. I got subscription and still bought $50-$100 worth of SS to donate to my favorite authors every month. I really don't think it is fair of this company and honestly I want to report them to BBB etc

            NeverUMind Thats what I suggested but their Customer service over email is rude

              WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL this is beyond wrong for the customers. You should have to pay the authors out of pocket for this and not hurt subs. So apple users get to auto stop payments
              but android doesn't? The disparity of this is amazing. Super shameful on top of it all. Is this a money grab? That's what it feels like!

              I just found out today too that the subscription period has ended and I’m really disappointed. I spent most of my free time reading novel and premium subscription work really well for me and i’m willing to pay the cost despite it is a little bit too expensive.I’m fine if the actual reason is some authors doesn’t get the pay they deserved but if this is some marketing scheme for raking more money for themselves.I think I really can’t support this site anymore.

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