- Edited
Yeah? Coz' most of your comments responding to these aggrieved customers just read a lot like sycophantic pro-WN posts.
Put yourselves in the shoes of these people. If you bought something at a store and for whatever reasons you are disatisfied with the product that you bought, so you came back to that store because you would like some explanations from their customer service, only to find out that you were being ignored by them and started to get frustrated yourself, and someone else just barged in to tell you "Oh, they're just too busy to respond to you. FYI, this is normal, they treat others the same way too, including myself, but hey I'm used to it, because that's just how things are, so you should get used to it too. Don't feel so disappointed or frustrated, because guess what? You're not that special".
How would you feel? SMH.