• Suggestions
  • Giving An Author My Power Stone Is A Journey Through Hell

I wanted to give my Power Stone to a relatively new author with an ongoing, realistic fiction novel that I liked. It took me nearly two hours to find that author. Here's why:

  1. When you've taken a look at a novel and return to the list of novels, you don't return to the spot you were in - you find yourself waaay back, close to the beginning of the list. It takes a while to scroll down to the right place. This isn't fair to authors who have begun writing a novel a while back. Matter of fact, it's really unfair. They're being pushed into obscurity by a poorly designed system.

  2. The amount of trash that's being published here is staggering. Yes, everyone can write, but not everyone should write, and even less people should show what they're written to others. If you're one of those people who have uploaded a 'novel' without a cover, full of spelling mistakes and typos, without a plot to speak of, and so on and on and on, I have a question for you: do you realize a lot of people will think you're a conceited fool? Uploading something like that shows a total lack of respect for your readers. If you can't be bothered to make a cover for your book and check your spelling and grammar, why should anyone be bothered to read what you've written?

  3. I like so-called realistic fiction. But realistic fiction here includes non-fiction, poetry, and a whole lot of novels that consist of a single chapter and have been abandoned a long, long time ago. My appeal to Quidian staff: please create separate sections for non-fiction, poetry, and 'novels' that don't even have 5K words. And please, please make it possible to return to the spot I'm on in the book list when I return there after checking out a book.

Thank you for taking the time to read this longish post.

    πŸ€”πŸ€”πŸ€”πŸ€”πŸ€” Sorry, I seem to have a problem with keeping my mouth shut.

    I'm not sure about the realistic fiction stuff, so I'm gonna skip it.

    About typo and grammar errors: tsk! You can't just say that about the struggles of authors. Most are writing to improve their English as it's not there first language. Some write to pass time, some write because they have passion for it. And I'm quite sure none of the authors forced readers to add their book to their libraries. We merely promote and it's up to readers to add it.

    Also, you're free to remove it; if it's not up to your taste. So I see no reason why this complaint is relevant.

    No one is above mistake, so you don't have a point in that aspect.

    As for book cover: I recalled what i went through before I managed to upload one.

    Please don't judge others if you've not been in their shoes. If writing seem easy to you; please drop a link to your novel and let's take a look.

    Believe me, it will seem easy until you attempt it and find out it's not as you think.


    I don't understand why you apologize about posting a reply in which you disagree with me. There's nothing to apologize for.

    I wasn't talking about books in my library. I was talking about the list of novels that appear when you select a genre. I wanted to find an author who publishes clean text, and it really was hell because of the page's mechanics.

    I disagree with you about the typos and spelling errors. Inkstone actually has a spell checker built into it; it uses American English, and underlines mistakes in red. Not taking the trouble to correct a mistake that has already been highlighted in the text implies a lack of respect for the reader.

    There is a difference between writing for your own self and writing for other people. When you make whatever you wrote available to other people, your creation automatically falls into the second category. You can write as sloppily as you like when it's for your viewing only.

    A reader is like an important guest you've invited to your home - the piece you've written is your home. Would you receive your guest dirty, and wearing clothes that haven't been washed in weeks?

    So you've uploaded a book cover even though it wasn't easy; that deserves respect, and actually sets you apart from people who haven't taken the trouble to do that.

    I also don't understand this comment: please don't judge others if you haven't been in their shoes. I HAVE been in their shoes. English is my second language.

    No, writing doesn't seem easy to me. Correcting mistakes that are already underlined in red does, though.

    Here's the link to my book:


    Based on what you wrote and how you wrote it, I don't think it's your kind of novel. But of course feel free to read it if you want, and criticize it if you want. I'll actually be grateful for constructive criticism that tells me what I should improve.

    Thank you for taking the trouble to reply to my post.

      Michael_Ryman Good! I'm really bad at writing, but I can easily detect others mistakes lolz.

      I always held back cuz I understand how hard writing is. Also, you can't compare poetry writers with people writing long novels. There is a huge difference between someone writing 400 word count to someone who's writing 2k and above. They wouldn't have much time to edit and also have to satisfy readers requests on massive release.

      For you to have tried writing and still say so much about typos and errors then wooaaah! I can't wait to read your book and pick on you. I hope your book is flawless.

      Note: I always speak my mind, so I'm not gonna lie if I really find your book perfect. If it isn't, I'm gonna make sure I pick pick pick on you.

      Also, the inkstone auto correction stuff is rubbish. I tried using it and couldn't stop laughing at the words it suggested.

      Also, if you've been in their shoes as you stated above. We can't be the same, it might be easy for you, but hard for others.

      Iets see what your book is made of


      No, you aren't really bad at writing, at least not at writing posts. Give me the link to your novel so that I can take revenge after you've trashed mine.

      How did you get Inkstone auto correction to suggest words? I'm pretty new at this, I've only seen it underline typos and spelling mistakes.

      You say 'it might be easy for you, but hard for others'... When something comes easy, the bar gets set higher, and doing that something is just as hard if not harder.

        What!!! Revenge my foot!!!! This isn't a give and take. I get to bully you okay?. You started it by being so unfair to authors with your post.😏😏😏.

        I read two pages and already got complaints, your grammar is good but......

        I should read the whole chapters before I bully. For now; don't even think about getting any revenge humph

          As a non-native-english-speaker-hobbyist-lesbian-eroge -writer, I completely agree that there are things that certainly should be withheld from the general public for various reasons. However, I can't think of anything to improve the current system; Do you have any suggestions?

            I can agree with some of what you wrote, but you have to understand that people will read what they want and ignore what they dislike. Simple as that.

            It'd be nice if Qidian purged inactive, abandoned novels after a generous grace period if the author hadn't already put it in hiatus themselves for safekeeping. Purging novels on the basis of an author's writing ability, or something as trivial as a book cover would be overkill, though. You're expecting too much from amateur writers; especially since the main demographic of this site is mainly younglings.

            You shouldn't be expecting that much from them in the first place β€” for many of them, it's their first time writing a novel, period. It's also noticeable that for many of these young folks, English isn't their native tongue. That makes it even harder for them, so it's doubly unfair for you to judge them so harshly.

            Yeah, there's a lot of stuff that'll make you want to grab bleach so you can cleanse your eyes. Yes, there are many novels with sub-par writing and a myriad of other flaws. Just understand that everyone has to start somewhere on the road to mastery, and for many, this is the perfect place to do so. Give 'em a chance; who knows, maybe one day down the road, they'll surprise you in return for the patience you've shown.


              Hehe I've clicked on your name and somehow got linked to your novels. Thanks for showing me how to answer people's comments on the novel; I'm not very good at mastering new interfaces.

              I've told you up front you probably won't like my novel. Please don't feel obligated to read it because of this exchange.


              Yes, I made some a couple of suggestions in the original post.


              I didn't complain about having to read stuff I dislike. I complained about the difficulty of browsing through the endless two-column list of novels when trying to find something I'd like.

              I'm not asking for the 'novels' to be purged. In my original post, I'm asking Quidian to create separate sections for nonfiction, poetry, and works under 5K in length. Maybe a separate short story section could include short stories as well as novels that have just been begun.

              Clean my eyes with bleach? Jesus. Have you tried it? You sure it works?

              Yep. everyone has to start somewhere, and it's best to start out in private. I've kept my first novel for one reason only: to remind myself how bad I was when I started out. I've never shown it to people, and I never will; it would be too embarrassing for me, and an insult to them.

              I'm going to go all-out philosophical on you here:

              Everyone has just one life, and every life consists of a certain amount of time. Money comes and goes; time just goes. When you post something you've written, you're asking people to sacrifice some of their time. They won't be able to spend it on something else, and they won't get a refund. If an author isn't willing to spend some of their own time to make their work presentable, why should I spend mine on reading it?

              I'll summarize my views on all that:

              If you don't correct your mistakes, you'll never get better. End of story.

              To everyone who sacrificed a little of their private time to post in this thread: thank you.

                Michael_Ryman πŸ€”πŸ€” It will be childish to do as I intended to from earlier.
                So imma skip the bullying part, cos it might seem fun today, but drives away readers tomorrow.

                Your grammar is good, but you're lacking a lot in story telling. I don't think writing is all about grammar alone, we aren't reading grammar but the story you're telling. Grammar only made the story more enjoyable and presentable I presume.

                You've only written two chapter so far. I don't think I will be the one to make you realize how hard writing is. My bro; you're gonna find out soon.

                That said:
                I didn't bully you, so please spare my poor error filled novels uwu😭😭

                  Michael_Ryman Hey there, I'm not opposing your words but let me tell you something exceptional.

                  There is an original novel I'm hooked onto. As much I loved that story and characters, I have the right to criticize its grammar and mistakes. Still, I didn't bother to bash the author cause I find his/her writing somewhat puzzling. Some readers even got confused. Extremely confused. But then the author said something which surprised and shocked me.

                  The author is dyslexic. He/She jumble the words and spellings too. The author even told us why her sentence formation is so diverse. She/he writes the sentence backward to forward. It's not the Authors intentions to confuse people but it's his way of writing and twisting the words and grammatical error isn't Authors control. The author said even if he/she proofreads several time she/he couldn't pinpoint the evident mistakes or confusions because it's sorted for her/him.

                  Let me tell you as a reader why I love to read that novel.

                  Its all about; Plotline and story progressions, Character development, humor, action-based conversation, multiple different perspectives, even the main leads are criticized for being wrong and not only leads knows it they reflect on their mistakes. And mostly, the way the author connects the loose ends with valid reasonings.

                  Its, not that Author's mistakes can be overlooked but the story itself is so impactful and interesting that we have to give the credits to the writer.

                  So please don't categorize writers, some might be exceptions with some inborn difficulties and hardship, still, trying their best. It's a good thing people are writing some stuff then nothing at all. At least we get to choose.

                  Something is better than nothing!

                    May1st Bit that doesn't mean Author's shouldn't try to improve themselves. It's a hard process, not impossible. Little growth is what makes you bigger. As for you my dear, if you can point out others mistakes then you should try to see your own as well. Take it to slow, you will definitely succeed so that you don't have to take your words back.✌we should help each other to understand rather than being a bully for each other.

                    Love to you!❀

                      Peng_Yun Thanks. I'm trying to improve LOL, but I'm a blockhead 😭. It's hard 😀.

                      And, I didn't take my word back. I just think the bullying stuff doesn't make sense, since his writing isn't bad, but needed a few adjustments.

                      Even though he seem cool with his post here, if I really bully his book; he will lost the will to keep writing.

                      I believe it's just a matter of time. He will understand the difficulty of being an author soon.

                      Also, no matter how much I edit, those errors just wouldn't leave me alone😀😀😀

                        The suggestions you have mentioned aren't too useful.
                        About N3, I remember there being a "Short Stories" Section somewhere, will check later.
                        N2 Is not plausible. Not a suggestion?

                        N1 Could actually work; but that's it, it won't solve everything.
                        WN team using something similar to apollo-app, which hides already-seen posts would contribute the best in my opinion.

                        Edit: I check an no, there's isn't a proper section for stories under 5K, I've must mistaken it for RoyalRoad. Considering that, N3 is also great and fully workable

                          Guys and girls, this is getting out of hand. My rant about the difficulties of finding a decent novel to give a Power Stone to has evolved into a heavy discussion. I still wish I didn't have to keep scrolling for hours to find a new, ongoing book whose author takes writing seriously.


                          You told me something exceptional; as the saying goes, exceptions make the rule. As a rule, people who cannot string a couple of sentences together properly aren't worth reading.

                          Thanks to everyone for your thoughts.

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