I wanted to give my Power Stone to a relatively new author with an ongoing, realistic fiction novel that I liked. It took me nearly two hours to find that author. Here's why:
When you've taken a look at a novel and return to the list of novels, you don't return to the spot you were in - you find yourself waaay back, close to the beginning of the list. It takes a while to scroll down to the right place. This isn't fair to authors who have begun writing a novel a while back. Matter of fact, it's really unfair. They're being pushed into obscurity by a poorly designed system.
The amount of trash that's being published here is staggering. Yes, everyone can write, but not everyone should write, and even less people should show what they're written to others. If you're one of those people who have uploaded a 'novel' without a cover, full of spelling mistakes and typos, without a plot to speak of, and so on and on and on, I have a question for you: do you realize a lot of people will think you're a conceited fool? Uploading something like that shows a total lack of respect for your readers. If you can't be bothered to make a cover for your book and check your spelling and grammar, why should anyone be bothered to read what you've written?
I like so-called realistic fiction. But realistic fiction here includes non-fiction, poetry, and a whole lot of novels that consist of a single chapter and have been abandoned a long, long time ago. My appeal to Quidian staff: please create separate sections for non-fiction, poetry, and 'novels' that don't even have 5K words. And please, please make it possible to return to the spot I'm on in the book list when I return there after checking out a book.
Thank you for taking the time to read this longish post.