
I absolutely loathe the plots gravitating towards pregnancy because of this repetitive pattern! So, a couple is meant to be together because a child is involved...

- The guy wishes a spouse to be a nanny of his offspring, one he can screw with legally. Somehow, it's romantic...
- The guy (who happens to be not gay, is handsome, filthy rich and godly-smart, and on top of it, is narcissistic) for unrealistic reasons, needs to rent a belly to bear his heir. And it happens to be the most clueless woman he finds. Somehow, it sounds natural...
- Lady gets pregnant after an awful one-night-stand and now the couple decides they will make it work. The plot develops with the guy clearly showing he thinks the woman is a cheap aquarium keeping his rare fish. Somehow, it's not disrespectful.
- Poor woman seduces a man to help her raise her 'little bun'. Somehow, it's not sketchy.

Like... I have a lot of words to express my loathe to these plotlines, but I realize none of them are kind to authors or readers.

    SrtaA True!! Because, it's the author's baby, blood, sweat and tears After all... So, it's not kind for us to cyber bullying them. That's why I create this thread to diss the cliche plot and some twisted Idea some author has.

    Well.. i admit, maybe some plot I write could have some sensitive content and it hurts us when someone hate us for it. Well, someone do deserve it, but some don't.

    Some romance novel is just too stupid.. I have read this kind of story a lot, but the one I like the most is when the man respect the woman, and the woman is smart and can stand up for herself!!!

    I don't remember this novel, but, it literally have anything I wish for a romance novel. It's about a woman who died(she has an ability, people in her former world especially her family call her lucky koi because she is really lucky and can make other people lucky too even just by touching her for a second.)

    She died,but her ability still remain. She was reborn in another world as a villainess from a book . This Villainess has a son, apparently from accidentally had sex with a man who the Villainess thought as the male lead, a ceo of abig company apparently. But, it turns out it was a movie king. The most popular actor. The actor didn't know that the chind is his son, but he like the child and the woman anyway. He never treat the woman badly.
    It's a comedy, but there is also a little bit of tragedy. Just a little though.

      SrtaA Added with this clasic lyrics from a song...
      "And you only love her when you let her go~"
      But she fuckin tryna to run away, but being brought back by MC.

      Or maybe, she come back in the most pathetic ways possible.

      I... I feel like you've described "50 Shades Of Gray" to a T. IIRC, doesn't he actually rape her by not honoring the safe word, at one point in the series? Why is that so popular? I am seriously confused, so I'd like if someone could explain to me from a fan's perspective.

        Alpha_Medic I guess this story is the first of it's kind to show what BDSM relationship is like. That's why people love it. But, the one who actually hate the series is people who know what BDSM supposed to be like.

        These people is a professional BDSM master(I don't remember the title of their work, but it does exist) . Everything about BDSM is about consent and safety while trying your best to satisfy both the dom and the sub.

        Fifty shed of gray had give an insight to many people about what is BDSM, to show that this relationship exist, but yeah, people who hate it are all the one who know What BDSM is actually like better than the author.

          Alpha_Medic True!! People who take BDSM seriously think this kind of movie is offensive. BDSM is not rape, yet the movie depicted of the relationship as so. BDSM is the relationship of consent of both the dom and sub! They sub need to trust their dom, and the dom need to make sure their sub is not injured!
          d(>_・ )

          I write romance with a certain amount of smut so guess I too am the 'enemy' here haha, but can I just say: thank you for pointing out the innocent virgin bullshit.
          I just don't get it. The hell is wrong with liking a tumble between the sheets? This is 2020, your FL won't be thought of as a hoe just because she isn't dead afraid of genitals. 🙄

            Hmm interesting thread. I think a lot of romances lose appeal to me when they stop making logical sense. Stories were 100 girls just all love one guy for no reason (or some weak reason), and he just chooses between them are lame. To me, the fun is in seeing how and why two people fall for each other.

            Show me two people that don’t know each other well that meet or get to know each other better in a semi logical way to build a relationship to call it romance. There has to be struggles to make it interesting, like any story, but lately romances I’ve seen have been too much of everyone magically falling for one guy.

            If you are reading romance, there is a strong chance you want to feel something. That feeling is what the story is about. Build up a relationship, then have it crumble, only to be built back up again. Make me experience the ups and downs with the characters. Don’t just keep throwing different cute girls at me because there is no plot. Heck, have there be build up between two or three logical options and make me regret that the MC can’t be with more than one. Stuff like that is part of life.

              How about a sexy romance where 100 girls lined up coz the guy has a big thingy....and these girls fight over him? Is that covered here? And the guy has a superfluid weapon?

                well, not gonna lie, i read all of jiong jiong you yao's novel and she's not exactly very good at starting novels but before reading i am prepared thqt they were gonna be bizzare.

                but when you just read something with an oh-so-interesting synopsis but the content is just blargh, it ticks me off.

                i think qidian itself has a lot of really good romance novels, and webnovel translated some of them but unfortunately, they are dropped. you see, not a lot of people would pay for a logical novel so let's just get stuck here.

                  ags2020b Nah... That's also our enemy here... Harem is good, when all the characters, and I mean all of it got the highlight they deserve.
                  Writing a novel where the men have a massive harem is hard because the novel tends to become boring quickly.
                  -The sex scene becomes repetitive as there are too many women.
                  -we tend to forget who is this certain woman as there are too many characters.
                  -the only highlight the women get is when they are having sex.
                  -most harem has gloomy or maybe not so great protagonist, the only great thing he might have is his dick, big lust, and his cheat. Everything else suck.

                    shadowdrake27 True!!!! We want a harem with a plot!! Break the stereotype of the harem stories!!!
                    -don't make the Protagonist gloomy and dense!! Make him smart and cool!!
                    -don't make him a pervert and a jerk!! make him the kindest person but still a sadist but caring at the same time!!! that's hot!!!!
                    -make him respect others don't treat other people as his enemy all the time!!!
                    - I don't want every girl he meets to become one of his harems!! At least make some of them not interested in him at all!! Create a lot of diversity and balance!!!
                    -don't make him the only one with a harem and cheats, make someone else has harems too!!! Not as an enemy, but as an ally!!!! That way, the protagonist will have friends to talk about their same interests.

                      SrtaA or they were both drugged, slept with each other, both no recollection of the night, woman pregnant, raises child on her own

                      Variation: child somehow gets raised by the father, mother thinks child was a death born or miscarriage...

                      And even without child they often just fall in love. A girl from the childhood, someone they saw once in the past and ever since liked them or even just someone they saw once outside their office window etc you name it

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