
AreYouTheEye i support Min and Rundi in this matter.

You said that you support them. So that means you support the censor of everything i listed and think they are offensive to people. Tho i doubt you even read my whole post and just here to cause trouble...

It is said that the best way to handle a troll is to stay silent, so i'm going to follow that starting now. You can scream all you like on your own...

The author write it like that! We read it as we like,,, i too hate it when translator change term, shorten real even for something idk? It make me confuse? And make story strange at some poin, when the term isnt consistent!?
I just drop the novel.... Huff... My english already bad enough,,, and suddenly history change...?? Wtf thats why i prefer isekai

    N0xiety author has direct access to it and I guess the author did not care about his work being censor...... partly it is good too.......(Qi censor sh**t and overall china's internet policy..?). It looks like it is not that big deal of problem too. You don't need to get that much of salty over it. Also, give a little bit of time on wiki page en.wikipedia .org /wiki/Censorship_in_China and google wtf are censored and not allowed there. You will be amazed. They have a strict policy there when wide range audience is targeted (fukn international now).
    PS:'How the f
    ck do you even live in this world with such a mindset? ' You might say that to Chinese ahem... government

      Vanhellsing Mate... even China doesn't censor country names, cities or famous buildings of other countries. People in China doesn't think that White House is called 'Rainbow Mansion'... So if you find China's censorship extreme, then what do you say when a translator censors what even China doesn't bother to censor? Bonkers beyond saving? The novels already come to us after being censored in China, but you think a translator censoring it even further isn't worse? Haha... What is even your point? So are you saying that since everything is censored to hell by China, it wouldn't matter if it was further censored to oblivion by the translators?

      Also author doesn't even read the english chapters. We do... Do you think author has any idea? Do you think author checks english forums? No... So why would he care? Even if he is earning a bit of money from us, it's a pittance compared to what he earns from the Chinese audiance. So there is nothing in it for him to be overly involved...

        N0xiety You are right. This novel was already censored by Chinese censorship. There is no need censor more. The Translator should translate what's written. And I really don't know what's so wrong saying USA and China.

          notsane I think I know what's up. The translator obviously has North Korea in mind when translating, so we shouldn't mention the UA. Of course if American white supremacist groups read it, we gotta censor out negative American history and positive foreign history. Let's just obfuscate han too, just in case. We don't want to remind them of that trillion dollar debt. Oh, we need to keep our kindergartners in mind too, so let's get rid of some of the war bits.

          I'm kinda offended that the translator thinks that's the target audience.

          LeechesOfSoul Well, there is nothing to be updated really. Cktalon said that the translator has been informed long ago and the story has been in apocalypse side ever since. There is no censor in apocalyse since there is nothing to censor, everything is complete fiction. So not sure if the translator will continue with the censor when the mc goes back to real world setting. Only then can we see if it will continue or not. So there is no point in further discussing it untill that time actually...

            YouKnowWhat Well, even if we wait i don't think the translator is going to change what he has censored so far. There has been no changes to the earlier chapters, so for consistency sake i'm guessing the translator will continue the censor he has done so far. It's really annoying, but i can deal with it if no 'new' censor is done to the novel. I use an app to auto correct words that the translator censored from before.

              20 days later

              N0xiety With the amount of times you mentioned it, I feel that u started this post just to promote the app))

                Sythcake I feel like you are one of those conspiracy theorists that believe US government is hiding aliens from us ( ͡ᵔ ͜ʖ ͡ᵔ )

                  AreYouTheEye you seem pretty offended about anything, you called her a brat and then immediately afterwards say 'your never offended about anything' yet then go on a rant about how OFFENDED you are. some people should think before they type. and then you rant about respect? you called her a brat for stating her opinion? thats an epitome of an offended person. if your so offended by something instead of bitching about it online, you could, idk.. maybe just walk away? open a new tab? its not like were here forcing you to be offended! I agree that if the author supports it it should be applicable, but that does not excuse you for being a cunt

                    Wow, Qidian usually censor some scenes (due to the new law in china, though we are not from China and this is online...I don't know why it should be censored here)
                    and now, the translator is a complete sht?

                      Is TL deaf ???
                      Why sh/he respon??

                      At least give us your logic behind your cencor.
                      If your logic is not to ofdend people tjen do it properly.
                      And not offend some race/religion/and minority.

                      If can not then juat translate it as it is.

                      And blame the content to author.

                      I wait long enough.
                      And not respone at all.

                        do not expect a good reason or good logic from qidian, they will either ignore or silence you.
                        most likely this is a company policy in attempt to not rouse any bad publication.

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