I just talked to my lawyer and I was told to say this, if it is a per month service that I am paying for then it is for access to 50 new advances chapters per month. Since if that is not the case you have broken both the EES trading deal and the EU fair trading deal. Now I have already contacted my lawyer with the wish to proceed with this as far as I can, this is straight up an Asian money scam, which btw are ILLEGAL in the EU

It is illegal in the EES trading area/EU to sell the same product twice to a consumer.
So now you tell me how your company is going to fix this.

    If you need support write.
    I think about to inform the consumer organisation (or how it called in english) about quidian and the payment structure.
    I can't take legal action since I didn't buy the scam but I want to support people who give Quidian a lesson how to behave in europe.

    I have a feeling that this will be deleted and locked or not. but tbh, it's just v v v v v v v v v v v v expensive. illegal is a bit too big as a word.

    I get that the 'Privileged' thing is total garbage, but you need to fully comprehend the legality of the situation before throwing words like "illegal" around.

    QI isn't selling you a product here. They are selling you a service. Services and Products are two distinctly different things in the eyes of the law. Furthermore, what you are paying for is NOT the ownership of the chapters. You are given access to the chapters, which belong to QI.
    Following your logic, massage parlors would also be illegal in the EU, since people regularly visit the same massage parlor.

    This is sort of like how you do NOT own any games in your Steam Library when you buy them, but rather simply gain the access to installing and playing the games. Steam can very easily and justifiably delete someones account and all they had on it.

    Tl;Dr: While this may be a mean-spirited bad system, QI is an international company that knows what they are doing. They don't pay lawyers a shit ton of money just to sit around and pick their nose.

      Well I'm just so freaking glad that somebody FINALLY seek some legal action XD In China this freaking privileged shit is actually legal and has been used on several platforms like WebNovel or other video streaming websites, and considering how high they are already charging the foreign readers, plus using this privileged membership on you, if indeed it broke the law here in EU I'm just gonna be estatic to see someone teach them a lesson about respecting inernational market with legal weapons∠( ᐛ 」∠)_

      Big_Boy Wow you clearly know the stuff∠( ᐛ 」∠)_Very educational, I'm not an expert but I'm not sure about the definition of all the concepts you mentioned really can apply to WN without any doubt and questionable space, especially and specifically about the "privilege service" instead of the general chapter purchases. I just read the rules of it detailedly after reading your post and personally don't really think the cases you used are proper enough in court. Anyway, I'm no lawyer, what can i say∠( ᐛ 」∠)_I just hate how they squeeze cash out of yous here compared to the price they charge for Chinese readers

        KingDerp I don't understand what the issue is. If you buy the highest tier 50 chapters you'll get acess to the 50 chapters (sure you have to pay double, and that may bother some people) but it's not like you can't read the chapters..

          Oh and just FYI, in China all unlocked chapters for readers won't expire until two years since the date they made the purchase∠( ᐛ 」∠)_And averagely to unlock a chapter on Qidian in China (which is of the length of 2000 Chinese characters) it takes only 0.1 yuan (the Chinese currency).

            Big_Boy Exploitative abuse:
            This type occurs whereby a dominant firm using dominant position to exploit consumers without losing them through conduct like price increase and production limitation. There is no legal definition of ‘exploitative abuse’ under Article 102 but it can be taken as ‘any conduct that directly causes harm to the customers of the dominant undertaking’. Without barriers to entry, the market is likely to be self-corrected by competition because monopoly profits will attract new competitors to enter the market. However, the Guidance does suggest that the Commission will intervene where the conduct is directly exploitative of consumers (for example, charging excessively high prices).

            Excessive price:
            Price set significantly above the competitive level. Article 102 explicitly bans unfair pricing which has been understood as to cover the excessive pricing. The charged price must be excessive and unfair to be abusive. The test used was stated in the United Brands case that whether the charged price has no reasonable relation to the economic value of the product supplied and exceeds what the dominant undertaking would have obtained in a normal and sufficiently competitive market.

            According to the EU trade legislation webnovel are in breach on article 102 of TFEU.
            The fact that this business model is considered legal in China does not mean that the EU will tolerate it.
            It begs the question of what will happen when this is brought to the attention of the EU trade commission.

            Whether it is legal or illegal in one place and not in another...Exploiting customers is illegal every where..even if it is service..

            I kind of feel like the title of this forum post is misleading. It’s your opinion that it’s illegal but nothing has been proven illegal in any court. Your throwing around accusations about legality but it’s just your interpretation of your laws. Until a recognized entity decides that it’s illegal, (not just your paid legal council), it’s irresponsible to say it’s illegal. You think it may be illegal. That’s true. It could be found to illegal in your region, that’s true.

            Until then your making accusations against a company that you may be held liable for since your accusing them of impropriety in written form. It’s your opinion and your treating it as fact. That’s a little dangerous, especially if your pursuing a legal case against them. You may want to change your tactics so you don’t find yourself in legal trouble.

            My guess is that your lawyer would tell you that if your persuing this suit against this company that you shouldn’t discuss this case or bash the other side publically in writing. Just a thought.

              BigMike72 I am not pursuing this as a personal matter, I have however logged a formal complaint to the EU trade commission about a breach of EU trading policy, which will hopefully result in the EU suspending Qidians right to sell their product in the EU.
              I am merely reporting a firm that has in my and my legal counsel's opinion breached the TFEU.

              A civilian is never libel for reporting a firm to the governing body for a breach of trading law.

              Are you not familiar with trade law my friend ? Because it looks like you are just a generic qidian paid commentor.

              Fact remains that Qidian(Webnovel) are the dominant firm in webnovels, and they are abusing said position for monetary gain, which is a criminal act under TFEU article 102.

                KingDerp Lol, so now there is a conspiracy since I don’t agree with you. I am not paid by anyone but I find it interesting that you know so much about international law and yet failed to read the fine print and wasted your money. It sounds like sour grapes to me.
                By the way, how is claiming illegal activity on public forums reporting a crime to the proper authorities? You have an opinion, gl with moving the EU to do anything about returning your “stolen” euros.
                You enjoyed reading the first set of 50 chapters and got angry when contrary to your beliefs another set of 50 wasn’t coming.
                Keep me updated, I would love to hear how this nailbiter ends. Something tells me that I don’t need to purchase privileges to see the outcome.

                  BigMike72 This has absolutely nothing to do with money.
                  I was misled but not stolen from.

                  What else do they call it when a multinational company breaks EU trading laws ? Although English might not be my first language I don't think its wrong considering the context.

                  Regarding online 'micro' payments the EU has been surprisingly efficient lately, I honestly don't know what will happen. But if they do agree with the fact that Qidian is the dominant firm in the market then it is a clear cut breach of article 102 of TFEU.

                  I will put the legal parameters here so you can see what i mean.

                  Exploitative abuse:
                  This type occurs whereby a dominant firm using dominant position to exploit consumers without losing them through conduct like price increase and production limitation.

                  The breach for this clause would be increase in SS price for said pre paid chapters already, then again when the customer has to pay monthly to gain access.

                  Excessive price:
                  Price set significantly above the competitive level. Article 102 explicitly bans unfair pricing which has been understood as to cover the excessive pricing. The charged price must be excessive and unfair to be abusive.

                  This breach has to do with how the marketing price of Privilege chapters is priced at in the Qidian china app. 0,1 Yuan per chapter roughly.

                  Again this is up for discussion but the facts don't change that this is super shady and in all probability falls under a breach of article 102.

                  Why would the outcome matter to you anyway? Best/worst case scenario the EU forces qidian to lower their prices or quit marketing their products in EU territory.

                  It is never really bad for the consumer when the big multinational companies get chastised by the governing body, in most cases it is necessary to have a fair and open market....

                  That notwithstanding I am still a paying subscriber to said 50 privilege chapters.

                    KingDerp It’s not about money but you didn’t have a problem with the inflated price the first or second time you purchased stones to unlock chapters?
                    When you realized that you had unlocked everything you could unlock and wasted some money, now it’s unfair to charge that much or unlawful to hike the prices on people outside of China.
                    It’s completely about money. The outcome doesn’t effect me but your posts seemed full of self-righteousness and false piety of sticking up for what’s right.
                    In reality you wasted your money that you were happy to spend until it didn’t go they way you thought it should and now its all moral high ground! I personally don’t buy it.

                    Funny thing is that I posted on the forums my personal befiefs about this whole topic and I was critical of the company too. I just didn’t act like I was wronged after spending my money. They provided what they said they would and I enjoyed it. The problem is it’s too expensive for me to enjoy on a regular basis and I wish they would change their pricing.

                    Your acting like your sticking up for morals when you only had a problem with their policies and pricing when it didn’t serve your purposes or needs.

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