yaoyueyi Cannot claim weekly bonus sign in
Addressing Your Complaints (Coins, Fast Passes, etc.)
Update your app to 4.3.2.
Why did my coins disappear before their expiration date. This sucks there are some chapters that cost less than 5 coins. And fp only last a week and there isn't any warning like with the coins. I will probably drop this app. Also store shouldn't be limited on the amount sold. They are too expensive and by the time you save up the store is out.
Why did my coins disappear before their expiration date. This sucks there are some chapters that cost less than 5 coins. And fp only last a week and there isn't any warning like with the coins. I will probably drop this app. Also store shouldn't be limited on the amount sold. They are too expensive and by the time you save up the store is out.
The option to use fast pass to unlock has dissapeard I have 3 fast passes i want to use but it will not allow me. I have checked with multiple books and there is no option to use fast pass.
The option to use fast pass to unlock has dissapeard I have 3 fast passes i want to use but it will not allow me. I have checked with multiple books and there is no option to use fast pass.
I want to complain about the Membership! I paid for 7.99$ For worth of 15.99 because it was promo so I can get 500 coin first time 10 coins daily but now suddenly my membership become 3.99 for worth 7.66 why it was change suddenly and now im only getting 5coins daily. My privilege should be valid till 02 Feb. i need explanation on this
its already hard to get coins unlike before.
I would like to raise my concerns as well. It's about redeeming my points in Store. I know I have enough points to redeem but it seems like the Store doesn't let it work. I accumulated 3k plus of points and I tried to redeem it by using the 500 amount for 1 pass but it doesn't work. Is this a bug or what? Thank you
I would like to raise my concerns as well. It's about redeeming my points in Store. I know I have enough points to redeem but it seems like the Store doesn't let it work. I accumulated 3k plus of points and I tried to redeem it by using the 500 amount for 1 pass but it doesn't work. Is this a bug or what? Thank you
What bonus coins? The amount you get for reading is points, entirely different currency. As for daily tasks you get fast passes which have to be manually used on a chapter, they are not automatically used instead of coins.
Coins or points, they are not interchangeable. Coins are used to unlock chapters, points are used in the app profile store tab to buy vouchers or fast passes.
Reading rewards are not coins, they are points. Read the original post thoroughly for more information.
Is the chapter in privledge status? Privledge is now solely in the paying customer domain as it was always intended to be.
The only coins expiring should be the ones converted from free spirit stones which would expire anyways.
Sounds like your membership got changed from monthly to the WIP weekly membership, contact webnovel support email directly, be sure to have a ss of your initial membership purchase as they'll likely want it for verification.
Webnovel can you please return the free novels it used to be 3 novels 24 hours you stopped doing this from around 5 of jan and when i contacted you said it was temporary, now your saying its under consideration which means this was not a temp measure. Please please please at don't change that
Darth_Xiane thanks will do that
yaoyueyi sigh.. yeah i know all this but its really hard to read when you dont have coins i read at pc so i cant collect coins and the 3 fast passess are gone just like that and i cant save my coins to read something else in the future because it will expire now my coins are almost gone it went from close to 400 and then to less than 50
when will it be able to collect coins in pc as well?
yaoyueyi sigh.. yeah i know all this but its really hard to read when you dont have coins i read at pc so i cant collect coins and the 3 fast passess are gone just like that and i cant save my coins to read something else in the future because it will expire now my coins are almost gone it went from close to 400 and then to less than 50
when will it be able to collect coins in pc as well?
Why can't i use fast pass on some of the novels im currently reading? What's the point of earning it through daily log in and watching videos and doing votes?
Why can't i use fast pass on some of the novels im currently reading? What's the point of earning it through daily log in and watching videos and doing votes?
It's not really a complaint, I'd just like to know this because I haven't seen it addressed anywhere yet. After a novel finishes, will privileged chapters slowly become available for the general public, or will they remain cash only?
As for my complaint... I like that now the farming works on most novels, but I'm having issues with this 2 minutes long collection time. I mean WN's 2 minutes is not my 2 minutes; once I've been reading a novel for over half an hour, but the store's counting system was saying only around 8 minutes.
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You can't collect coins anymore. Not on PC, not on mobile. Webnovel has stopped giving out free coins. If you want to have coins, you will have to purchase it.
Most likely because the chapters you were trying to unlock with fast passes but couldn't are privilege chapters. Fast passes can't be used on privilege chapters.
ChainedGhost After a novel finishes, will privileged chapters slowly become available for the general public, or will they remain cash only?
After a novel ends, if it has a privilege service, the author/translator will have to put the novel's status to completed. After that, the privilege chapters will be released in the regular update to regular users. You will still have to pay or use fast passes to unlock the chapter.
CantiaraMy concern was about whether they would become accessible later on without needing to purchase privilege or not. Thank you very much for answering my question : )
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After a novel is completed, yes, the privilege chapters of that novel would become available to the non-privileged readers through the regular release schedule.
So, for example, if there are still 10 chapters left to the completion of a novel, and all of them are privilege chapters, once the author/translator set the novel's status to completed, those chapters will be released from the privilege pool to the normal readers through the regular release. If the regular release schedule is 2x daily, then normal readers will get to the end of the novel in 5 days.
Purchasing privilege is never mandatory for reading a novel until it's completed. But as I said, you'll still have to unlock the chapters with coins or fast passes once they're released from the privilege pool.
Cantiara Thank you, again. I found your answer very easy to understand the first time, but this would be even more so if someone else has the same question. Most of what I am reading here is VIP, so needing to unlock the chapters once released was never in question.
Ah okay. I thought I wasn't clear the first time around, hence the more elaborated answer :)
Trick is getting the author to mark it as completed, I had one book in my list had 235 of 245 chapters released, the last ten were eternally in privledge. Could be the author 'forgot' to mark his book as completed but considering his fanbase has repeatedly posted about it in the comments of chapter 235, including the prior privledge holders who bought it again under the thought it was continuing when it wasn't... hard to say said author is not fully aware they are holding those last ten chapters ransom.
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Which book is it? Is it original or translated?
In the case of translated books, as far as I know, translation groups just have too many books on their plates. And it could sometimes happen that the coordinator of a group fails to keep track of which books have been completed and which haven't, and therefore forgets to set the status of those books to completed.
The scenario above seemed highly unlikely In the case of an original book because I don't think there were any original authors on this site that have too many books to handle.
Also, most translation group coordinators don't read the comments section of their books. So, if the book in your case is a translated one, it could indeed be an oversight. If you know the translation group, you can head over to their discord server and ping them there. But if you don't know, you can also just tag CKtalon here or over on the webnovel's discord server (head over to the #suggestions_bug_feedback channel), and he'll take care of it.
In the case of an original book, I'm not sure what you could do. Maybe report the author to Webnovel?
Then you can give this one a try
Entangled by Misfortunes: The Girl Who Remembers the Dead
Hello... I would say sorry for I am pissed off... I paid in 199coins in accessing privileged chapters which is not expired yet... and since I was done reading until chapters 349 in other websites which is FREE but I want to read more advance chapters starting chapter 350 to 359 which is 10chapters in all (though as I said the 199coins that I paid before still in effect.. but I didn't unlock the chapters 349 and below because I am done reading it FREE of charges from other site.. so what I did, I click the 15 chapters privilege (for 300coins) that supposed to be totalled to 499coins... and did pay for that 300coins thinking that I can start reading chapters 350 and so on without unlocking the chapters 349 and below since as I said I read it already in without charges... so now I was thinking I can read starting chapter 350 since I paid 300 coins.. TOO BAD FOR ME THOUGH I CANNOT READ IT UNLESS I HAVE TO CLICK AGAIN THE NEXT PRIVILEGE STUFF... IN WHICH THE 300COINS THAT I PAID JUST FEW MINUTES AGO WERE WASTED! I think this is my last straw with your website.. because this is not the first time that this happened to me... now.. I think to avoid of being riff-off I just need to wait for my remaining coins to run out again and just deactivate or turn off my account with your site... I just hope you can fix this issue because as I can see and noticed, I am not the only customer of yours as the victim of this... :(
Hello... I would say sorry for I am pissed off... I paid in 199coins in accessing privileged chapters which is not expired yet... and since I was done reading until chapters 349 in other websites which is FREE but I want to read more advance chapters starting chapter 350 to 359 which is 10chapters in all (though as I said the 199coins that I paid before still in effect.. but I didn't unlock the chapters 349 and below because I am done reading it FREE of charges from other site.. so what I did, I click the 15 chapters privilege (for 300coins) that supposed to be totalled to 499coins... and did pay for that 300coins thinking that I can start reading chapters 350 and so on without unlocking the chapters 349 and below since as I said I read it already in without charges... so now I was thinking I can read starting chapter 350 since I paid 300 coins.. TOO BAD FOR ME THOUGH I CANNOT READ IT UNLESS I HAVE TO CLICK AGAIN THE NEXT PRIVILEGE STUFF... IN WHICH THE 300COINS THAT I PAID JUST FEW MINUTES AGO WERE WASTED! I think this is my last straw with your website.. because this is not the first time that this happened to me... now.. I think to avoid of being riff-off I just need to wait for my remaining coins to run out again and just deactivate or turn off my account with your site... I just hope you can fix this issue because as I can see and noticed, I am not the only customer of yours as the victim of this... :(
littleArz So, you're saying that you read on a pirate site, which is very much illegal, and now you're... complaining about having to pay for something that you should've paid for in the first place? And you are saying that you're being ripped off even though you're the one who technically ripped off the author/translator/editor that you read the pirated version of?
Well, okay.
yaoyueyi 4) Membership?
Hello! I purchased the membership however, I didn't check in on Jan. 18 & 20 since there is no signal at where I was at however, when I checked in at Jan. 19 & 21, it says membership (10 coins) = check/claimed but when I went to see my coins history I only received 5 coins. The same happened on both days and it was also really true and no mistake because my coins balance today only totalled to 7 coins.
I should receive those 10 coins in total because even if I didn't check in for 2 days, I still paid for it and was expecting it especially since the coins now are very expensive.
yaoyueyi 4) Membership?
Hello! I purchased the membership however, I didn't check in on Jan. 18 & 20 since there is no signal at where I was at however, when I checked in at Jan. 19 & 21, it says membership (10 coins) = check/claimed but when I went to see my coins history I only received 5 coins. The same happened on both days and it was also really true and no mistake because my coins balance today only totalled to 7 coins.
I should receive those 10 coins in total because even if I didn't check in for 2 days, I still paid for it and was expecting it especially since the coins now are very expensive.
Sorry I assume I've misunderstood or missed this somewhere but I thought Members still got bonus coins on top ups, is this no longer the case?
iml0stinbooks which membership coin did you purchase? does it 500 coins membership or 250 coins membership? Both have different bonus coins i.e 500 coins + 310; 250 coins + 150.
[unknown] I just leave my phone on and idle on a chapter while doing chores and whatnot, changing the chapter every 10 minutes or so. The yield is around 2-3 points per minute including half hour bonuses. If you get an hour of "reading time" in a day, that's 180 points minimum. It's not great, but it's better than nothing because it's not impossible, and it's not even necessary to watch ads. I'm sure if you actively did ads too, you would be able to purchase the free reading vouchers before they run out, but you do you.
My membership supose to work by now cause it's already past 24 hours but it still didn't work.help?
My membership supose to work by now cause it's already past 24 hours but it still didn't work.help?