a real review here would be great
Review Swap (Screw it, just be shameless)
Thanks for the advice. Now that you mention it, I realize the lack of hook too.
I'll probably have to change the synopsis to make it more clear too.
Yep. There is a lot of world building. Basically a village boy given the burden to revive powerful peace seeking individuals to end the world war.
A critique would be great. Thank you!
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Much of what I say is exaggerated to get a certain point across. So the problems may be much less important than I make them out to be.
The synopsis is a bit strange. It doesn’t really stand out to me and it doesn’t really give you a tiny hint of what to expect in the story. The characters were well made but they seem a bit bland. Like how the MC wants to activate the skill but why? Sure he wants to be stronger and join the front line and whatever BUT WHY?
There are a few grammatical errors that can be quickly fixed if you just reread over the chapter maybe once or twice. Some sentences are fragmented out when they could be merged together to make a better sentence
(This example is not in your novel, don’t worry about this)
{The giant was big compared to the village. The giant’s entire height was around one hundred feet.}
“The one hundred feet tall giant was incredibly big compared to the village.”
And when using curse words, try not to change the spelling. Don’t change fucking to fooking and stuff like this because it disrupts flow and makes the brain stop and try to decipher what the word means. If you really don’t like using curse words, then either don’t use then or use as a censor fcking is much better than fooking in my opinion. There are other stuff but they are too small and you don’t need to worry about them
Thank you Zhen_Xin and Forsaken123. Yep. You guys are right. I followed your advice and changed my synopsis now. Hopefully it's a bit better.
Zhen_Xin, do you have a novel? It's a review swap after all. It would be bad of me if I'm the only one reaping the benefits.
Once again, thanks guys for your help!
Kingoftheland that is so cool bro.
Acutelittletrap You've improved it quite a bit. It's still more of a beginning than a synopsis.
SimmeringHours It seems to short for me to review yet.. but I added it to look at later.
SimmeringHours my novel is pretty much at its end. There will be no purpose for me to obtain one or two new reviews now, so don’t worry about it.
Acutelittletrap out of curiosity, do you have a discord?
fantasy_land Um, I've left a few comments. You post lots of really short chapters. I've read a few good stories with really short chapters before, but they had a background world that explained why everything was fragmented into small pieces that I'm not seeing in yours. And at least in the first half dozen chapters, you say they're forced to, without any explanation a lot. I peeked at the most recent chapter and it was the same.
Thanks for the honest review. Although, I have tried to improve in the recent chapters, but it's still a long way from perfection. And yes, the reason for forcing is revealed much later. However, thanks. Will try to improve further
Niglover What do you mean?
Joneleth I tried but that had a male protagonist so I had a problem. You know female usually prefer female MC. As far I've only read Release That Witch with a male MC. But I read your story up to four chapters and liked the idea of the story. I tried to give a review but then it would be difficult considering I'm female and I might not understand what guys like about novels. So I gave up.
UnjustlyUnderpaid if you want to can you read over my story and give me some constructive criticism and maybe a five star if you like the over all story it's called True God
Forsaken123 #1241
We had a Minor altercation, before not really an issue.
I made that statement half jokingly.
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Acutelittletrap okay thx, I’m going to try to see if I could find you. I want to some advice on something that I can’t really use the forum for.
I’m (very) new to discord so I’m just goin to leave this here just in case
If anyone wants to add me or something for some reason, then I welcome all. After all I like making new friends.
Author_Shizu That's ok, thanks for trying. :D
Anyone wanna swap reviews?