I honestly love long winded and constructive reviews (also because I tend to do this as well). I don't see a point in really short and all most kiss-uppy types of reviews that give the author no way to tell if what they are writing have actually have an impact/what they could improve upon. A good writer should be able to take criticism and use it to better their books. Not try and give a false advertisement of what their book really is by hiding the bad reviews.

I'll give my two books, feel free to review on either of them.

first one:
it's about a girl struggling to fill in the gaps of her memory and having to cope with a decaying world. (I'm gonna be starting book 2 soon so I'd love your opinion on this on)

second one:
A collection of stories about people trying to survive and make sense of what's happening to them. (much longer but you can start at any volume)

Colonel Shepherd was in the midst of a mission while He was covering the retreat of his comrades that's when he was hit by a stray bullet and died or He should have but he awakened in another world and the first sentence that he heard was "All Hail The Hero"!!
This is the story of a Soldier Turned Hero!

This is my first book and in fantasy genre any criticism will be highly appreciated
Thank You!


    Wow you're a pretty productive writer!

    I just posted the review for the first link, which is your shortest and lastest novel "Supernatural Investigation 101: Chronicles of Nakashima Wakana." and will get to the rest as soon as I read a substantial amount to make a fair review.

    I put it under a 'spoiler' even though there are none to not impact your readers in any way. Thank you for allowing me to review honestly.

      CCmei Thank you for taking time to provide the honest constructive review that is going to help me improve I will work on the issues that you pointed out (_)

        CCmei I've noticed the summary's problem, but always thought that rewriting the prologue was more important. I've got some ideas for the prologue, but somehow always draw a blank on the summary which, in theory, should be easier.


        Well okay, that was a really short read so the review is up. I personally didn't like it but good luck.

          CCmei well seeing as getting my work dissected painfully will probably give me more pointers for how to improve my writing for future installments/stories than the 'reviews' from swaps that may not even read it, sure give me your worst.

          Short Synopsis: There were somethings Laura expected to happen during the first week of ehr exchange semester in Japan. Meeting new people, bureaucracy, getting lost on campus and a hike through the nearby japanese alps. which lead to the unexpected events of which meeting a talking Tanuki was just the very first.

            CCmei @Bnhhas341

            If you're just going to delete the review why did you bother asking me for one? Why waste people's time? I could have spent that time thinking a critical review and analysis to do some else's

            That's very petty of you and a reflection of you own character. I've noticed another reviewer was also deleted. Thus would not be an issue if you didn't promo and beg people to check out your work. If you are just going to delete all reviews that are not your spam accounts do not waste people's time.

            Update: wow the user deleted their own post.


              Truly, as an author, i font even know that we could delete review.

              There is one review that gave me three stars and only wrote 'will update the review after i read it'. I thanked him/her and told him/her to try it out then i leave it alone.

              Damnnnnnn, some people are oversensitive. If people say bad things about your story, that means your story lacked something.

              People/readers had wasted their precious time to tell you this so that u could change or improve your story to better one. Yet, some people couldnt take crictics.

              Sorry, just a rant after seeing many people rants about author deleting review and i got angry to the dishonest authors


              I just saw one of your review and is very impressed by how throughoutly you exained every aspect that was good and bad. You even gave advices and rating like B-.

              Make me want you to review mine but it is not a must. Just impressed by how detailed you are


                Well, probably because they want you to give them high ratings regardless of the quality of their story. Most of the time, that's usually what happens to review swaps. Writers giving each other high ratings. Like I'll give you a 5 so you also have to give me a 5 even tho your story and mine sucks big time. It's like they're just licking each others ass. 😒

                That's why I think review swaps are totally unreliable. Some don't even try to read the story and directly give it a high rating saying 'your story is good, blah... blah... blah... blah...' so the one they gave a high rating to would also give them one.

                I read one of the reviews you made. It's comprehensive and constructive. Definitely not something you would often see here in WN. So good job on that. 🖒 I hope your hard work won't get deleted again. If it does, just stop giving reviews. Because you're probably just wasting your time.


                  We shall see but yeah that's the main reason I don't make reviews in the first place even if I feel like leaving one. There's a good chance it will be deleted and I honestly don't want to offend anyone. While I don't like hurting people, leaving empty reviews also leaves a bad taste in my mouth.

                  I really don't want to be the sort of writer who reviews swaps to lick each other's wounds, It's not constructive to growth or to anyone at all. But I understand the desperation and need for exposure. I'm tempted to do it myself just so my novels get 'one more view' and maybe a fan that sticks around.

                  As a writer or creator in any way, it can be hard to accept critique. As a writer myself though I think it's important to accept things as they are because only then can you change things if you so wish. If you can't see the problem you can't fix it. If it's not a problem, you need to be comfortable with yourself and your work. Not everyone will like you or your stuff in this world and that is ok.

                    This is really great of you and a good way of finding people who care about reviews. You may get a bad apple or two every so often but you are a fantastic writer and reviewer from what I've seen. It may feel like wasted work on those who dont appreciate it (even though they ask for it) but it helps you in the end as well as you get better at writing and picking out things to improve... :)

                      CCmei np, ccmei! i'm hoarding them reviews coz i barely have any. <3 and thanks for the time! waiting for A.I. =)


                      Thank you for the encouragement! (Unloved Twin is updating later today! Castaway Isle - uh that one will be getting lots of updates this month. It's on a roll. They have long titles on this site but I honestly think of them with these shorter names. )

                      Reading other's works is a bit like doing a book report in school as a child. Some of them are not novels I would choose at first and I'm either pleasantly surprised and expand my horizons or I have a great appreciation for the books/novels I do like. It's fun to break out and try new things from time to time and does improve one's own wirting (even though it's hard to tell).

                      12 days later

                      CCmei Thanks for your review. I appreciate you, immortal. 😊

                        7 months later

                        CCmei Alright! I've stocked up on tissue paper since we don't have any toilet paper, so I'm ready for my glass heart to be broken!!

                        My story is called World's First Demon Lord! Here's the link:


                        And the synopsis:
                        "This world is truly...boring."

                        The Mage King, overthrown and killed by his own people, escaped via one last spell. Reincarnated in the body of a weak baby, he sets off to conquer the world once more.

                        Except somehow, he has been reincarnated into a completely different world. A world with no mages...aside from him.

                        What is the point in ruling such a boring world? He might as well reincarnate again. Until the TV catches his eye, and he sees a certain animation from a far east Asian country...

                        Maybe...maybe I can do something here. Maybe in this world without mages, a mage is what is needed to spice things up a little. Maybe this boring world needs...a Demon Lord to rule it from the shadows.

                        If this world isn't interesting enough, then I'll force it to change with my own hands!

                        "A Demon Lord needs henchmen, so I will create my own!"

                        "I also Heroes to fight against, so let's make those as well!"

                        "Hmmmm...I like System novels, let's give a Hero a Gamer system!"

                        "I also like superheroes and romances, let's create some superheroes and make them fall in love!"

                        "What's this? A thriller? Hmmm...maybe I can make something like this too..."

                        Feel free to stop by any time!

                          CCmei Seeing that it's a productive thread, I won't lock it for now. :) Tell me if you need it locked anytime soon, though.

                            So, posting link here is allowed or not ?

                            Forum says review outside monthly review thread is prohibited, so I am just wondering is it okay to post my novel links here ?

                              Those are for review swaps I believe. Since this is a pretty one way thing with just me giving out reviews, as long you're not actively/shamelessly promoting your novel in the thread then it's fine. A link with a request is fine.

                              (Warning though- I will review seriously and honestly. You can search up to the other reviews I already did in done replies for a sample if you wish.)


                              bows to the great Yuebot

                              Many thanks. I am not worthy but shall beseech you when the time comes before my puny human body drowns.

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