I honestly love long winded and constructive reviews (also because I tend to do this as well). I don't see a point in really short and all most kiss-uppy types of reviews that give the author no way to tell if what they are writing have actually have an impact/what they could improve upon. A good writer should be able to take criticism and use it to better their books. Not try and give a false advertisement of what their book really is by hiding the bad reviews.
I'll give my two books, feel free to review on either of them.
first one:
it's about a girl struggling to fill in the gaps of her memory and having to cope with a decaying world. (I'm gonna be starting book 2 soon so I'd love your opinion on this on)
second one:
A collection of stories about people trying to survive and make sense of what's happening to them. (much longer but you can start at any volume)