Sooo... I was reading a few comments on a romantic fiction and I saw this. 'That is what makes this novel so great. The guy starts to fall in love with the protagonist, who he thinks is a guy, and he becomes conflicted and... hehehe' Shit, I wanted to stop going on this website when I read that.

    These people should like Yaoi.

    I also like Yaoi, so when I see these novels, I do not get bothered with that kind of comment or content, even when it's clearly a hetero novel.

    At least I think it's better than the woman falling in love with the guy who rapes her, which is what happens in many modern novels. Or when the woman or the man humiliates his partner to the limit and this is called love.

    The worst is that I see this kind of comment: "I love ML it's so cool and cool, acting cool when FL is in danger" >>>> In context, FL was being murdered and ML pretended not to happen as a political strategy and simply let his FL almost die, being that it was another man who saved the FL.

    My opinion: Anyone who reads webnovel has problems, these girls you commented are the ones that have the least of problems.

      TheGentlemenWorld It can definitely be a little scary, lol. But I'd take that any day over something like Heavenly Jewel Change, where the MC is an utter piece of shit. But then, people being gay/bi doesn't bother me, as long as I don't have to participate. To each their own, as long as no one is getting hurt.

      Take_the_Moon That's exactly why I check tags before reading novels. It makes me sick to my stomach when I start reading a novel, get into it a little, and then they pull something like that. There have been several times I was looking through stories people said were good, then checked the tags and saw rape, and rape victim becomes lover. I have a special list for worthless shit like that so that I don't forget and start reading it on accident.

        Take_the_Moon I agree. I I hate those kind of novels. I though I do like my wife is a beautiful ceo, I think that is the only way one that has 'rape' in in it.

        There aren't really that many wuxias that have a single love interest, that disappoints me. I can't get into romance novels because its the same thing over and over: trash FL, and I good guy.... Love... Past... and cringe romantic rivals.

        You may say that its the same with wuxias, but I'm biased.

        In the beginning, when I was very innocent, I saw the tags, but I never thought the ML would rape the FL, because of the "good" synopsis or the "good" comments. I knew I was going to have rape, but I did not think rape culture would be used as the basis for romance.

        Yes, there are some novels, that the person questions how they let this crap be published in Chinese, in any language on-site or book. The worst is neither the writer of the original language, the worse are the translators. How do you read a story about rape and translate, saying it's romance?

        Anyway, now I read only after finding at least two bad comments, in the case with well-constructed negative reviews, that can clarify to me what was bad in story, of course, if their opinion is only by the weak plot or something, I I'll go check it out, if it's because of the violent content, with SDM or rape, I already put it on the blacklist.

          TheGentlemenWorld I'm just happy my wife isn't like that, though I did catch her once reading one of those gay novels, she said her friend recommended it, I'm safe...

          Those yaoi novels are pretty annoying though, have to black list them every time I find a good series.

          Take_the_Moon Yeah. I'm not so sure about the innocent part for me, because I've read some dark stories over the years. But none of them had claimed it was romance, from what I remember. And even that left me a gut-wrenching feeling. When I actually read something where it was used as romance, I feel anger instead. But I view the translator and author as being equal to some extent. However, in the end, I actually think worse of the author. The translator may not know what's going to happen when they start the story. And, if you've translated 400 chapters, it's hard to stop and tell everyone you aren't going to finish it. After all, "it's just fiction," even if it upsets us. The author, on the other hand, knew exactly what they were doing, and even had a choice. They didn't have to go that route, but they did it for whatever reason. Their dark fantasies, shock factor, money, etc. The thing that really gets me though, is when people try to justify it by saying it's part of the culture. If it's part of the culture, then fuck that culture. Let it burn.
          However, I don't begrudge people their fantasies. I understand that sometimes people need something to shake things up. And, unfortunately, it does exist in real life to some extent. Just don't justify that shit. Don't try to tell me it's okay or acceptable.

          Ha. That's actually pretty close to what I do a lot recently. I'll browse comments on why people didn't like the series. And I pretty much ignore any comment that says things like "gary stu, mary sue, unoriginal, cliche, plot armor," and so on. I assume those people don't have a valid opinion because they're posting unoriginal and cliche complaints. How are you going to post a cliche complaint about how a novel is cliche? I mean, seriously, you don't like that it has plot armor? What story doesn't have plot armor? I question the sense of people who make those complaints. Just say that you feel like the main character is too bland or has no personality. Say that the base for the romance sucks, or that the protagonist never loses a fight because he always magically powers up in the middle of the fight. Anyway, there have been a few times where I read comments that explained how the tags were wrong, in both a good way and a bad way. So I usually do browse them now, even if the tags/story sound okay at a glance.

            Lately, I have found many soul mates here in the Forum!
            You're the third!
            Nice to meet you!
            I agree! Don't justify rape culture, domestic violence, racism and other n things like culture!

            Fucking culture is my beautiful ass! >>>> I'm sorry about this!

            I will not even make a great text, I'm very tired now. But I agree with you if people want to read about an ML that always puts FL at risk, to the point where she almost dies several times, just because of his selfish motives, and the reads want to find that ML a sweet and nice guy, I can't do anything about it! Each has the right for reads to be SDM and MD, I don't care!

            Now to say that all this crap is normal and is what every woman dreams of having ... God defend me!

            I'm a woman and I do not want that kind of ML in my life!


              TheGentlemenWorld Sooo... I was reading a few comments on a romantic fiction and I saw this. 'That is what makes this novel so great. The guy starts to fall in love with the protagonist, who he thinks is a guy, and he becomes conflicted and... hehehe' Shit, I wanted to stop going on this website when I read that.

              Women are always terrifying, only deep, after you spend years in the dao of ero you could understand some of their thoughts and wishes

                Take_the_Moon I don't know about that. I tend to make everyone mad eventually. Chauvinists and Feminists both hate me, lol. I'm mostly realistic and logical. And somewhat curious. It tends to drive people crazy.
                But we do seem to agree on quite a few things and it's nice to meet you too. ;p

                No worries, I don't know your time zone, but it was almost midnight when I commented. It must have been pretty late for you too. And... To some extent, I understand wanting to save the FL. However, I don't understand torturing her. I know they say you always hurt the ones you love, but you aren't supposed to do it on purpose!

                The unfortunate part, from my experience, is that when you tell a woman about it, they don't want it. But, in real life, it's what they chase. They want the excitement and the mystery. And they want to change him. My guess is that it makes them feel important and special to take a horrible person and reform them. It's like standing in a bear trap to entice a bear over so you can tame it. Thing is, chances are you aren't going to tame that bear, you're going to get mauled by it. Even if you do tame him, you're definitely going to get mauled a bit. I just don't understand it. From a logical perspective, it doesn't seem like it's worth it. But, everyone has different values and desires.

                Anyway, it's almost time for me to go to work, lol. So, on a different and somewhat unrelated note. What are your currently active stories? And which one, other than the BL one, is your favorite?
                Since we seem to get along so well, I'm going to have to take a look at one of your stories. ;p
                And... if you want, I can probably edit some of it in the process. Hopefully, you won't take offense to that. _;;

                  lozlo How are you going to post a cliche complaint about how a novel is cliche? I mean, seriously, you don't like that it has plot armor? What story doesn't have plot armor?

                  Just saying, some don't. What plot armour is, is when the MC or some other character wins because of some 'power of friendship' or 'magical powerups'. You answered your own question.

                  You can also remove plot armour if you make the MC overpowered from the start, that way, others can't say it's plot armour.

                  There is only one series that I think doesn't have plot armour that uses luck as MC's base: Cultivation Group Chat.

                    idkmylifeisamess I mean, if luck isn't plot armor, then I don't know what is. Every story has it to some extent. Some are just over the top, and some are minor.

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