• Diss
  • Your novel is trash if it has harem

What about court romance novels? That’s got harem in it. Is that allowed?

    I'm fine with insulting them. I don't think it's superior, don't overreach. All I stated was that if you have a harem in your novel, of course relating to the MC, your novel is trash. I've been reading for 4-5 years now and did indeed come to this conclusion.

    Harem is fanservice. It's there to please those who like it. What does it add to a story? Nothing but stupidity and filler. Let's not even talk about a normal thinking human suddenly marrying 5 different girls because he loves them all, nor mention the sexism(or in some cases extreme levels of stupidity) in chinese novels(which has a lot to do with this).

    Just ask yourself, can this novel do without a harem. Majority of novels have some sort of harem when there is literally no need and it makes no freaking sense to have. Please don't use the 'political marriage' bullshit.

    I don't care if I offend people. I will straight up tell you if your novel is trash if it is.

    Harem is trash and will always be trash. Every single auhor that has a harem in their stories is a cheap and lame author. I hope you get arthitis.

      Harem can be good in a story, especially in RI. Imagine if Fang Yuan started killing all of Giant Sun Immortal Venerables harem members (100,000+ women), wouldn't that be satisfying?

      Haram is bad for me but if it's good for you guys then I have no problem with that (but still I hope the mc get hit by a massive amount of lightning tribulation Everytime:)

        webtalewriter I disagree in part. There is such a thing as a bad genre- otherwise known as a 'taboo genre' which I will not get into hereditary degradation here.

        But yes, there is definitely poor execution of a genre.

        Imo harems are trash as long as they have a purpose to the story. Most, if not all, Male Lead novels that have these harems are just there to act as wish fulfilment for the author.

        I can tell you for a fact that it's downright impossible to split your love fairly (romantic type) between multiple people. Its a recipe for disaster.

        This doesn't mean that I like novels with reasonable harems in them. They're still trash, just recyclable. If I see a harem tag, I skip. I don't even tolerate reverse harems. Those are equally garbage in my eyes.

          Sythcake Yeah, but those marriages are either political, made based on monetary reasons, or arranged by parents. Rarely will you ever see four or five girls desperate enough to romantically pursue a single guy (who's often poor, plain and unremarkable) to the point where they literally slave away for him or do all sorts of nonsense to seduce him. They aren't talking about that sort of realistic harem here, but fictional harems where every single girl is in love with the protagonist for no reason other than because he's...male.

          The wish fulfilment part refers to how the story and world appear to revolve around the protagonist, as if he's the only eligible man in the world or something.

            Tomoyuki Yeah, but those marriages are either political, made based on monetary reasons, or arranged by parents.

            Doesn’t mean that the women are unhappy with such an arrangement. They were raised differently and pretty much perceive the world from a whole different perspective.

            Tomoyuki The wish fulfilment part refers to how the story and world appear to revolve around the protagonist, as if he's the only eligible man in the world or something.

            Well, the protag of a wish fulfillment story is usually the most eligible man in the world.

            P.S. And before u continue to force me to crusade for a topic that I don’t care much about, simply reread the post that I replied to without over analyzing it and then take a look at my reply to it.

            The dude pretty much said - Harems don’t exist
            And I replied - they actually do

              It's not like 'Harem is a trash' but it only became like that because of how some authors execute the word 'harem'. Imagine, if the setting is modern with cultivation, there is a harem of women who flaunted at an OP male MC? I have read novels like that. At first, I thought it's okay at the start but when you read it longer, it became useless because the women are just like figurines at your display and they didn't even have the role for the MC. They just became a burden.

              Kidnapping incident, saving the damsel in distress from forced marriage, irrational women if the MC helps them, etc.

              I love reading different kinds of tropes and I don't care for the tags or whatsoever if the plot executes well.

              I know everyone here has its opinions regarding the 'Harem' tag in every novel that you have read and I feel the same way.

              I'm also writing a novel with a harem tag but in female leading. I am very careful of using my plot and I hope that I can execute this well in the future! _

                Sythcake Because you're both using the word harem differently. DaPashini is referring to fictional harems and situations where multiple girls desperately chase after one guy as if he's the only man in the world. You're referring to actual polygamy.

                Same word, different meaning, different context.

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