Who did hurt you?
Your novel is trash if it has harem
Harem is trash. Will always be. Will never change. There's no way for a regular human being to suddenly want to marry 10 different girls and says he loves them all. I can handle certain stupidty but harem is something I'd rather gouge my eyes out than read.
Misguided_Rooster There is no way anyone would ever believe capitalism is good. After all, what about the poor people?
There is no way anyone would ever believe socialism is good. After all, who would work without incentives?
What you stated is just your belief. And that alone is okay. But what you did, is insult a lot of people and a lot of their hard work (and a lot of the laidback, trash-tier works as well). That's not okay.
In other words, you are the one in the wrong. Not because of the belief itself, but because you somehow reached a conclusion that your beliefs are superior to others.
If I recall, the last group that used this line of thinking was wiped out in '45
Shubhangi_Kene Don't even bring up Mahabharat! I'm still salty about how they treated my boi Karna.
Dude was literally the son of the Sun god, yet he got the short end of the stick at every single turn. And his fricken brother killed him by shooting him in the back.
I was this close to writing a fan fic where the dude got regressed in time and then goes around murdering everyone who wronged him.
Misguided_Rooster From a historical perspective, monogamy is trash.
From a literature perspective, it CAN be a useful plot tool. This is particularly so as polygamy was the default for most of human history. Love, admittedly, had little to do with it though as it was primarily for procreation and ensuring the continuation of lineage.
Unfortanately, most authors do not seem to know how to use it. I've read very few harem works where the handling of the harem did not detract from the plot of the story and fewer still where it added value to it. This is the fault of the writers though, not the harem tag.
MotivatedSloth Not really, the current socio-political climate in the USA is dominated by said sentiment. They just claim it is necessary for equality.
What about court romance novels? That’s got harem in it. Is that allowed?
I'm fine with insulting them. I don't think it's superior, don't overreach. All I stated was that if you have a harem in your novel, of course relating to the MC, your novel is trash. I've been reading for 4-5 years now and did indeed come to this conclusion.
Harem is fanservice. It's there to please those who like it. What does it add to a story? Nothing but stupidity and filler. Let's not even talk about a normal thinking human suddenly marrying 5 different girls because he loves them all, nor mention the sexism(or in some cases extreme levels of stupidity) in chinese novels(which has a lot to do with this).
Just ask yourself, can this novel do without a harem. Majority of novels have some sort of harem when there is literally no need and it makes no freaking sense to have. Please don't use the 'political marriage' bullshit.
I don't care if I offend people. I will straight up tell you if your novel is trash if it is.
Harem is trash and will always be trash. Every single auhor that has a harem in their stories is a cheap and lame author. I hope you get arthitis.
Misguided_Rooster Harem is trash and will always be trash. Every single auhor that has a harem in their stories is a cheap and lame author. I hope you get arthitis.
Brah, your username literally discredits all your arguments and opinions.
Sythcake I'll eat you, keep talking.
Junior_Sundar Um... that's not the point here the point (view point) was about 'all harems are trash'. And please do he suffered too much, he didn't even get to compete in archery fair and square to the day he died
Harem can be good in a story, especially in RI. Imagine if Fang Yuan started killing all of Giant Sun Immortal Venerables harem members (100,000+ women), wouldn't that be satisfying?
"Women are like clothes while brothers are like our hands and feet.”
— Giant Sun Immortal Venerable
Haram is bad for me but if it's good for you guys then I have no problem with that (but still I hope the mc get hit by a massive amount of lightning tribulation Everytime:)
Saying harem is trash is so narrow minded.
There is no such a thing as a bad genre. Only poor execution.
webtalewriter I disagree in part. There is such a thing as a bad genre- otherwise known as a 'taboo genre' which I will not get into hereditary degradation here.
But yes, there is definitely poor execution of a genre.
Imo harems are trash as long as they have a purpose to the story. Most, if not all, Male Lead novels that have these harems are just there to act as wish fulfilment for the author.
I can tell you for a fact that it's downright impossible to split your love fairly (romantic type) between multiple people. Its a recipe for disaster.
This doesn't mean that I like novels with reasonable harems in them. They're still trash, just recyclable. If I see a harem tag, I skip. I don't even tolerate reverse harems. Those are equally garbage in my eyes.
webtalewriter Harem is trash. Will always be trash. Not narrow minded, I've actually given harem novels several, serveral tries before. I don't care about 'execution', in the end, they are still horribly trash. Wish fullfillment and fanservice, with no actual use.
Lol, I agree with you here. Harem is simply wish-fulfillment and cannot happen in any rational situation. It's simply what the author wishes he/she had.
Misguided_Rooster You didn't find good harem yet that's not my problem.
Guess what. Harry Potter is trash because I tried every HP book and didn't like them.