SnoozySloth Yep. This is why I think your 'call center' is easier to read. Barely any description/aka filler but joke, joke, and joke. However, you will get complaint for no world building. It is hard to balance.

    Everything is impossible to balance =p. You can't please everyone.
    I get complaints in Uniform System about my system not helping MC enough. Other novels readers complain system does too much.
    I get complaints in Steampunk Apocalypse! for killing off characters and treating them harshly. It's a horror novel... If everyone lived it'd just be a shounen novel.
    In stories where MC is perfect and OP at start people complain about no character development. In stories where MC starts imperfect and makes mistakes, people think he is stupid and quit reading before MC grows as a character.
    Everything's a trade off in search of ultimate balance =)

    Honestly, I doubt I'll ever write another system novel again. If I do then it will because I want to write a trashy novel on purpose. But a good trashy novel. Does that make sense...? lol.

      SnoozySloth Thank you.;,;. As far as the first 3.5 chapters, the writing style is a plot feature, not something that I will correct... however, I know that I sometimes fail in tenses and punctuation... in that regard, I just need assistance in pointing out my mistakes.;,;.
      Is updating weekly on a regular basis good enough, if not then I would be marked down here.;,;. even though my schedule specifically states weekly.;,;.
      thank you, I love to hear that.;,;.
      I would honestly like some help here... I'm not that good at making nor incorporating such details... but would love to do so.;,;.
      Thank you... I really try to explain where they are in as much detail as I know how.
      I understand that my first few chapters will turn readers away... but as another, that reviewed my novel said, "Your novel chooses its readers, rather than the readers choosing it." And that is honestly what I want.;,;. I feel that readers that stick it until chapter 6+ will likely stick through till the end, whereas readers that drop before they even read chapter 5 are not really the ones this novel is targeting anyway.;,;.

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              David_Tieku Both of our novels are the same theme. Yay!

              Anyway, please check mine out. Your novel is already on my reading list as I dig these kinds of novels.


              You don't have to leave reviews on its page. Just feedback on this thread below is fine. But if you insist, be my guest.


              Also @DeJeL , please put my novel in your queue. Graci!

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