Looking for review swap / commented on what i wrote with someone. This is a dark story so please if you are not mature enough i do not suggest reading due to the nature of GORE and REALISM in attitude of the protagonist.

here is the book link.

do contact me if you feel like doing swap or just want to comment in general. I accept harsh critic

@DeJeL requesting review due to your expertise

    Would like to swap reviews with anyone!

    The Wise King
    Prince Roland was an unconventional member of the royal family. Unlike most of his brothers, he had never set his eyes on the throne, instead single heartedly pursuing the field of magic and combat.

    When war broke out against the demons, all his siblings led their troops to the battlefield, hoping to grasp the opportunity to accomplish deeds of honour that would back their claim to the throne.

    Roland was just as excited about testing his skills on the field, eagerly preparing to join the legions. However, his ambitious brothers were well aware of his martial prowess, and found ways to block him from joining, leaving him within the capital.

    The battle with the demons finally ended after a long war, but the king was the only one of the royal family who survived to return. When even he died of his wounds shortly after, Roland accepted his fate and took the role as King of the Great Manta Kingdom.

    Faced with this new fate, Roland can only rely on those around him to provide reliable advice.

    Will the Roland manage to achieve his goal of becoming a wise king? Or will he eventually lead the kingdom to its ruin?

      LuoYeYouLing TY.;,;. and Thx for the compliment, but no I am not.;,;.

      JunkieOverThe_Moon Added to my queue, you are #39.;,;.

      Sagesheep link did not work for me, and I could not find you when I searched your username in webnovel

      Sweating_Cloud Added to my queue, you are #40.;,;.

      Please check out my novel
      I try to review at least one novel per day
      Tag me any time to find out where you are on my queue.;,;.

        I added ur novel to my library and did a review right now, but since i dont have quite a lot of time these days, i didnt do an actual review, but i would do as soon as possible. Thanks again!!

          Panqiuyan Added to my queue, you are #41.;,;.
          Please check out my novel
          I try to review at least one novel per day
          Tag me any time to find out where you are on my queue.;,;.

            Scarlettbunny for link, take out the m. to have it automatically adapt to whatever medium the person who clicks on the link is using.;,;.

              Scarlettbunny Added to my queue, you are #41.;,;.
              I try to review at least one novel per day
              Tag me any time to find out where you are on my queue.;,;.

                Panqiuyan When I see them, I comment on the review itself with my true thoughts.;,;.

                  Kingoftheland I can see how this world be a good thing for most authors but if you are gonna start something like this you should really show an example of a proper review or else your probably going to get a lot of reviews like, "The novel was really good 5 stars" or "the novel was crap 1 star." As an author I can see how any positive review helps you out but as a reader I find most reviews just give the reviewers opinion instead of a real in depth review of the novel. Which is not helpful at all if I am trying to decide if I want to read something. Just some food for thought.

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