DeJeL I did, I actually read through chapter 6. You definitely have fewer blocks of text, but you still have them. As for the rest, yeah I think you need to make it more natural. If by the major change in chapter 4 you mean the thing you do with parentheses, I think you should switch to the format I mentioned.
Example: "He ran that way!" The sorcerer exclaimed.
As opposed to: "He ran that way!" (sorcerer)
Just read through translations on webnovel and you'll see plenty of examples. It's the same for the transition to other characters. The whole "point of view" thing that you do to indicate a different character's perspective is awkward. I'd recommend checking out different novels to see other ways to do it. I think tempest of the stellar war has some good examples? Not sure it's been a while since I read it. These are just my personal suggestions, so take them with a grain of salt.